Immigration raid on four-star hotel in London, 11 arrested

October 21, 2023
  Immigration raid on four-star hotel in London, 11 arrested Immigration raids are ongoing across the UK. The home office of the country has informed about the arrest of 11 people who do not have permission to work from a four-star hotel in London itself. A Home Office official said the agency's employees were working illegally as cleaners, porters and as cleaners at the four-star Regent's Park Marriott Hotel. Workers were being paid almost half. They were working under two separate sub-contractors. Five of the detained workers are being held pending deportation, and six others have been granted bail and will have to report to the home office regularly, officials said. The detainees were nationals of six different countries and did not have permission to work in the UK. One of those arrested had been smuggled into the UK illegally, the Home Office said. Barrister Shubhagat Dey of Lexpert Solicitors in London told the Daily Dazzling Dawn on Saturday that due to the raid, there is concern among Bangladeshis living in the country without valid documents or work permits and their relatives. He further said that if those who do not have valid documents for work or residence in Britain without bringing people on new visas were granted legalization under the conditions, then Britain's economy would benefit and Britain would get more revenue from the money they earned.

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