Demand for IT professionals will increase in Europe: Eurostat

November 02, 2023
Demand for IT professionals will increase in EuropeIT professionals and professions in this field are expected to be in high demand in the coming years, a representative of Eurostat, the European Statistics Office, said during a webinar on professional skills. In a series of questions posed by the participants, representatives, such as statisticians responsible for methodology and analysis, IT statistics, as well as those involved in the labor market innovation and lifelong learning, emphasizing that IT professionals will be needed in the 2030s and 2040s industry. According to Denis Leythienne, deputy director of the Labor Markets and Lifelong Learning unit at Eurostat, the statistics provider will treat the IT sector separately and also provide data on countries in need. There is a high demand for these skills. When asked about jobs that will be in high demand in the coming years, Didier Dupré, head of the labor market department at Eurostat, emphasized that the organization does not make forecasts, but noted that the computer scientists have been thinking about the skills and institutions needed in European Union, which may be the case with joint job search committees. One of the questions raised during the webinar was the role of AI and which professions may be most at risk from this phenomenon. Sabrina Iannazzone, head of IT statistics, suggests that there are four key factors in certain occupations that can be affected by AI: level of repetition, standardization, use of technical equipment digital technology and time spent doing hard work. Julie Fionda, Deputy Director of the Skills Program Unit, Directorate for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL), emphasizes that which occupations are most in demand depends on the region - for example For example, pharmacists may be in high demand in northern Belgium while southern Germany needs mechanical engineers. Regardless, skills demand in 2019 and 2023 is likely to be the three most important: IT, food and housing to some extent, and temporary employment agencies.

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