What is happening in Bangladesh?

November 07, 2023
  • BNP in a storm of arrests
  • Government on the way to one-sided election
  • BNP activists from all over the country without home
  • Thoughts on the program drawn up to the elections
  • Helpless people in the rise of everyday goods

Top leaders of BNP, the main opposition party in Bangladesh, are being arrested every night and sent to jail. The police are raiding the houses of various levels of leaders one after the other. BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir and almost all senior leaders are in government jails. Fearing arrest, activists of BNP and organizations across the country have left their homes. However, they are not leaving the field to implement the blockade program of the party to bring down the government. Every day there are clashes with police and Awami League workers at multiple places. Incidents like vehicle vandalism and fires are also happening every day.

Whatever the ministers and leaders of the government say, the reality is that there is an extreme deadlock across the country. In this situation, the Election Commission has taken the final decision to announce the election schedule next week. The commission had earlier indicated that the election would be held in the first week of next January. A source in the commission said, considering the situation, the voting day is being considered to be moved forward to the last week of December. The schedule will be finalized after getting the instructions from the government. Meanwhile, fear has spread among the people in the armed exercises of the government party leaders in various districts and upazila cities of the country including the capital. The prices of daily commodities have skyrocketed due to the ongoing blockade demanding the fall of the government. According to the way the police are conducting arrests, it will be difficult to find any leader of BNP to give a speech after this week. According to a source, BNP is also extremely unhappy with the program of the movement. The workers are also looking to the direction of the acting chairman of the party in London. BNP leaders could not imagine that the government would go to such a hard line. The mass meeting on 28 October would be attacked by the police, would be boycotted, this was also beyond their imagination. They felt that the government would not dare to take a hard line due to the strict role of the United States. It will be possible to send a strong message to the government through a big showdown. Now the big challenge in front of BNP is to provide programs to keep people involved in the movement to prevent the election, keep the safety and morale of the activists intact in the field of continuous movement. Awami League leaders believe that the situation will be normalized only if the movement of vehicles can be normalized across the country by expelling BNP from the field of agitation. According to reliable sources, officials in prisons across the country are struggling to cope with the pressure of inmates. This pressure will reach its peak till next January. Jail authorities have already been given directions from the government. Meanwhile, the government is moving towards the elections, ignoring the intense foreign pressure. The position of the government is extremely hardline. The government is not interested in any kind of discussion with BNP before the elections. BNP activists have been disturbed by the speedy trial of old cases and new cases one after another. Several responsible sources of the government said during the conversation that they want to pass the election campaign by keeping BNP in jail. For this reason, the government will not accept any foreign pressure. According to sources, while the position of the West is openly against the government, the position of China and Russia along with India is in favor of the government. The government has already started domestic talks with various political parties, including one of its allies, the Jatiya Party. Although openly criticizing the government, Jatiya Party leaders are election oriented. Already they are communicating at the top level of the government. They want to increase their seats by bargaining with the government. Leaders of 14 parties also want more seats this time. Their position is always in favor of the government. According to sources, a government group is working to bring other Islamic parties including Hefazat Islam to the polls. Jamaat is also in discussion. Many people think that Jamaat can also participate in the elections if it is guaranteed to be the opposition party. Awami League also thinks that BNP can be blacked out if Jamaat is brought into the election with some concessions. Public participation in elections will also increase. But in the end there is no possibility of Jamaat participating in the elections. Wise politicians think that after the election, Awami League cannot be ousted by agitation before 5 years. Foreigners will also prioritize development work. BNP also fears that the government has decided to exclude BNP. Yesterday, the party's joint general secretary Ruhul Kabir Rizvi made it clear that the storm of arrests sweeping across the country is not sparing anyone from the field level to the national level. He expressed fear that the process of emptying the country's opposition will be made fun of in the name of elections. The Chief Election Commissioner will announce the name of the winning candidate after looking at the list given by the incumbents to the Election Commission.
After the United States, the United Nations, the European Union (EU) has expressed concern over the arrest of opposition party activists yesterday. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said in a social media X (formerly Twitter) post that he is concerned about the arrest of more than 8,000 opposition activists in Bangladesh.
Calling for an end to violence, Joseph wrote, We encourage all parties to refrain from violence. It is very important to find a peaceful way for participatory elections. Which will be helpful for democracy, human rights and fundamental freedom. Yesterday, Dazzling Dawn spoke to at least 7 senior politicians, diplomats and economists about the current situation in Bangladesh. First they don't want to talk to the media about the current situation. The question was put to all of them under the guarantee of anonymity, what is the way out of the current situation? How is it possible to ensure the participation of all parties including BNP in the elections? Almost all of them said that there is absolutely no civilized personality in the country that is accepted by everyone. Outside of politics, whoever or whoever can create pressure on both sides for a civilized society, can exert influence, can play the role of 'national mentor'. There is also a lack of acceptable senior politicians on both sides to talk about responsibility. On the one hand, the Prime Minister is everything in the party and the government. On the other hand, all decisions come from London. And the role of foreigners is never in favor of anyone. They speak with their own interests in mind. A politician said that many people have played a neutral role in various crises in the past. Referring to the late President Zillur Rahman and recently departed President Advocate Abdul Hamid, he said that even though they were party leaders, they were accepted as presidents. Everyone responded to their calls. Now that is not the case. Almost all the constitutional positions of the state and even the law and order forces have lost acceptance. No one wants to put themselves at risk by saying these things. As a result, everyone sat at home and left the country to its fate. Regarding participatory elections, they said that the government has to ensure it. But now it seems that the government does not want a participatory free and fair election. The arrest and imprisonment of the opposition rallying pand and all the leaders cannot be a sign of participatory elections. No party can expect a level playing field from the government. Moreover, if the election is held without the participation of a large political party, this election will not be acceptable not only to foreigners but also to the common people of the country. Dismissing the possibility of negotiation, they said, negotiation and torture do not go together. Senior opposition leaders are in jail. Junior leaders are on the run fearing arrest. There is no one to accept the Election Commission's letter. Who will be discussed with? All in all, the fear of further deterioration of the situation is widespread.

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