Increasing Number of Americans are leaving their country, known as the land of the free, for this particular reason: they increasingly appreciate the work-life balance of Europeans and hence the freedom, even if they have a little less profit.
Americans work about 1,811 hours per year, or an average of more than 7 hours per day, while Europeans work about 6 hours per day, for a total of 1,571 hours per year. In the Netherlands, workers work even less - about 5.4 hours per day, or a total of 1,427 hours per year.
However, an article in The Economist reveals that work-life balance is just one reason why more and more Americans are moving to Europe, many of them fugitives rather than expatriates.
Americans leave because of political and security concerns
Some of them fled for safety reasons, especially those living in problem areas, while others did not want to stay because of the political regime: under the Obama administration, about 11% of Americans surveyed said they would settle permanently in another country. That rate increased to 16% under Trump and to about 17% under the current administration.
Regardless of the driving factors, the number of Americans migrating to Europe has increased significantly over the past decade – from 15,500 to 24,000 in the Netherlands and to about 10,000 in Portugal, a threefold increase compared to decade ago.
Additionally, the number of Americans in Spain increased from about 20,000 to nearly 34,000. The number has increased moderately or steadily in other countries such as France, Germany and the Nordic countries, while the latest UK estimates show the number of US residents increased from 137,000 in 2013 to 166,000 in 2021.
Europe became a paradise for Americans with convenient jobs and high-quality life opportunities
First of all, European countries offer some of the best opportunities for American citizens and this is probably one of the most important reasons why Americans are not known to learn new languages easily; The rise of the English language in European institutions is increasing. About 28% of bachelor's programs at Dutch universities are taught in English. Online job postings ask for English as often as Dutch.
Additionally, the Netherlands allows companies to exempt 30% of the income of skilled foreign workers from tax. Furthermore, in Portugal, obtaining a residence permit only requires an income 150% above the national minimum wage, about 1,100 euros per month – an amount that American retirees can easy to pay.
In Spain, Americans can benefit from the “Beckham Law,” which imposes a flat tax rate of 24% on income earned in the country. On top of that, there are a growing number of digital nomad visas for tech freelancers.
Italy aims to attract individuals who typically earn more than others by allowing them to pay €100,000 in income tax each year, regardless of their income. France has complex exemptions for directors of foreign companies, while Germany does not.