In the current geopolitical landscape, the United States seeks greater loyalty from Bangladesh’s government for long-lasting ties. This government will comprise civil society activists and ambitious politicians aligned with U.S. interests. The ruling party faces various pressures and is in a subordinate alliance; failure to comply may alter the situation, prompting activities geared towards that purpose, making certain civil society groups seemingly content.
The U.S. is wary of China’s expanding military-technological influence globally and imposes sanctions, ostensibly in the name of democracy and human rights. To maintain control of the BD government for its interests, the U.S. cannot overlook India’s view and position towards Bangladesh due to geopolitical considerations, desiring technological and economic dominance and increased influence. Despite India’s strategic alliance, it won’t accept absolute U.S. dominance in the region, even in the face of hostility with China.
During Mao Zedong’s era, liberation-seeking nations never found friendship with China. Even during Bangladesh’s independence war, China did not recognize it until after Bangabandhu’s assassination in 1975.
After the Soviet Union’s collapse, many communists in Bangladesh developed newfound admiration for China, creating divisions in the world socialist movement and strengthening capitalism.
Efforts are evident to implement the unfinished “Minus Two” strategy in Bangladesh. Civil society is active, aiming to sideline BNP and urging the U.S. to apply more pressure. There’s a desire for a government long loyal to the U.S., hindering BNP’s participation through visa bans and inciting potential violence.
Civil society activists actively seek government positions both domestically and abroad, lobbying for various restrictions. Their efforts surpass those of BNP. The U.S. and civil society push for the involvement of Jamaat, aiming to use it for political violence while making behind-the-scenes arrangements.
Left-wing politics in the country is fragmented, with no coherent agenda. Despite numerous calls, the general public remains unresponsive due to corrupt political practices.
The road ahead is perilous! Geopolitical dynamics in the Indo-Pacific region align with America's interests in maintaining military dominance. The ruling government of Bangladesh, asserting its sovereignty, resists U.S. pressure, yet the country appears to be falling under their influence.
Once considered a 'bottomless basket' by the U.S., Bangladesh has now become strategically significant due to geographical and economic shifts. The U.S., aiming to secure its interests, employs various means, and their influence is expanding. It's akin to a deer being hostile to its own flesh.
Dear Bangladesh, beware of the challenges ahead!
Nurur Rahim Numan
Political Analyst, Columnist
United Kingdom