4 More Killed in Dhaka today

July 19, 2024
Four persons were killed in the  capital today in a clash centered on the quota reform movement.  This information is known from hospital sources.

The three deceased are Abdul Gani, Rakib and Russell.  Abdul Gani (45) and Rakib (22) were brought to the emergency department of Dhaka Medical College Hospital around 2 pm today.  After the examination, the doctor on duty declared them dead at 2:20 pm.  On the other hand, Russell was declared dead at Faraji Hospital in Rampura. Other person name not identified yet.

Death toll expected to rise amid violence that has seen government buildings torched and telecommunications disrupted.

Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) on Friday banned all sorts of rallies and processions inside the city.

Deputy commissioner (media) at DMP, Faruk Hossain told Prothom Alo around 12:45 pm that all sorts of rallies and processions are banned in the capital until further notice.

“Everything remains very volatile, intense, and it’s very critical right now,” said Al Jazeera’s Tanvir Chowdhury, reporting from the capital, Dhaka.