Portsmouth Guildhall: Unity Rally and Anti-Immigration Protestors Clash

September 08, 2024
Portsmouth Guildhall: Unity Rally and Anti-Immigration Protestors Clash
  • Clashes at Portsmouth Guildhall: Unity Rally vs. Anti-Immigration Protestors

On Saturday, September 7, anti-fascist and anti-illegal immigration demonstrators clashed in Portsmouth's Guildhall Square during a Unity Rally.

About 350 anti-racism demonstrators peacefully gathered on the Guildhall steps throughout the morning to hear statements from local authorities and Portsmouth Trade Union Council Chair Jon Woods.

On the other hand, a group of about fifteen Antifa militants, all dressed in black and with scarves covering their faces, were engaged in a contentious exchange of words with demonstrators against illegal immigration who had taken up residence on the square's side facing the civic offices.

Police have confirmed that there were no issues at the protest and no arrests were made, however, two people were issued with Section 35 dispersal notices.

Simon Magorian, of Stand Up To Racism who arranged the event, said: “There hasn’t been any violence just a frank exchange of views, if you would like to call it that. There is a group of Antifa here which is about 15 people and are a small part of a broad group of about 350 people who turned up on our side.

"A number of community leaders, including the council leader and trade union members, have spoken here. We are an extremely multicultural, multiracial, and multifaith group.

Protesters opposed to immigration displayed banners and flags bearing slogans like "halt illegal immigration" and "British homes for British people" in an effort to draw attention to how immigration has affected UK services.