In many Bangladeshi families in Britain, the homosexuality of children has become a new symptom of unrest. Number of Bangladeshi origin gay and lesbian gained asylum in the UK recently.
The first same-sex marriage between a Muslim in Britain was registered a few years ago. It is a Bangladeshi youth. 24-year-old Zaheed Chowdhury, a very famous family of Sylhet city, lives in Darlington. For many of our readers, the interest in Britain's various media outlets should end here. If not Zahed would have stopped by announcing a big party in Darlington after returning from a holiday in Spain with his new partner. If Zaheed didn't say no, he wanted to let everyone know about his identity, "He's gay and a Muslim at the same time."
As a boy, when his brothers and sisters were crazy about football, he was interested in watching fashion shows on TV. Knowing this, Zaheed has described how he was ostracized by family, society, friends and even school as a boy.
In Britain there is now a formal organization of British South Asian Muslim Desi Gay-Lesbians called Al Jannah. The campaign of the organization is also seen online on Facebook.
The homosexual behavior of children has not caused unrest in Bangladeshi families in Britain, but it is not. But in the previous generation, it was very far-fetched. It was much less in number in the previous generation. Even few years ago it was a 'secret' relationship. At one time, after the marriage, the husband or wife realized the same-sex behavior of the partner, fearing public shame, thinking about the future of the child.
Especially in the family, mothers would try to find a 'beautiful' girl from Bangladesh get them married when they realized such a change in the son. It's not that you're not doing it yet. But, after the boy returned to Britain, he did not look for the girl, the example of such an incident is frequent. In many areas, due to pressure from the parents, the boy eventually arranges for the girl's visa to come to the country and settle down.
Not much, a decade or just five years ago, even in the Bangladeshi immigrant families of Britain, homosexuality was not the cause of silent tears and unrest for parents.
But, changing the mindset of the generation, the legality of same-sex marriage in Britain has changed the situation rapidly.
The presence of our children in gay clubs or lesbian parties has increased manifold in many areas, especially from areas with a large Bangladeshi population, including Tower Hamlets in London. Many Bangladeshi British take homosexuality for granted as Britain as a state or a part of British society accepts it. Socio-familial acceptance of trying to marry a same-sex partner. But the Bangladeshi parents are not only seeing the relationship as abnormal, but are also trying hard to get their child back.
The issue of the involvement of the Bangladeshi generation in Britain in drugs is being written and discussed.
But the issue of homosexuality or transgender is still not under publicity discussion. Not rising in the immorality of families. In many areas, criticism of homosexuality is limited to bad criticism.
But homosexuality is frowned upon by parents and siblings in our family, as in all British Asian families. Rather, it has been separated from society and family for a long time. Even knowing that, young homosexuals give marital and family recognition in self-declaration.
And because of this, the parents of children who are obsessed with homosexuality are being treated negatively in the society and family. Staying, terribly worried about the future of the child.
The World Health Organization removed homosexuality from its list of mental disorders in 1981.
The American Law Institute revised their Model Penal Code and noted – 'one's personal sexual addictions and proclivities are excluded from the list of crimes'. The American Bar Association endorsed the Model Penal Code in 1974 to make homosexuality socially acceptable.
The Academy of Pediatrics and the Council of Child and Adolescent Health make it clear that homosexuality is not a choice, and that this tendency cannot be changed. Homosexuality is not a 'malfunctioning'… there is no doubt about it. Homosexuality is neither a genetic disorder nor a genetic disease.
British South Asian LGBTQ+ community face a double-edged sword when it comes to acceptance and understanding. A recent attitudinal study by COmRes for the BBC Asian Network found 36 per cent of British Asians thought same-sex relationships were unacceptable (over twice that of the national average).