In an effort to prevent waste heaps from remaining on the streets of Tower Hamlets for long periods of time, the council is altering the way it collects trash from businesses and homeowners. The UK's largest borough with a Bangladeshi population is Tower Hamlets.Starting in December, companies and households in specific regions will have two-hour daily windows to dispose of their trash; anyone seen doing so outside of these hours will receive warnings from the council. Running from Monday through Sunday, the new service will be available twice a day, with two distinct two-hour time slots allotted on whatever your garbage day is.On the council's website, companies and residents on time-banded streets can view the time slots they have been assigned. After the allotted time has passed, bins will be picked up within two hours. Poplar's East India Dock Road offers the earliest collection time, from 5.25 to 7.25 am. Alternatively, residents can dispose of their trash between 4.05 and 6.05 pm.A full council meeting in October formally authorized the measures. The council anticipates that the new service will drastically cut down on "visual clutter" on the streets, enhance the general cleanliness and appeal of the streets, and crack down on those who unlawfully dump trash.