Zil Hajj month is the month of obligatory Hajj for the Muslim Ummah
Zil is the last month of Hajj, the Arabic month of Bar and is an important and virtuous month for Muslims. Among the twelve months of the year, the forbidden months are Muharram, Rajab, Zilqad and Zilhajj (meaning no war can be waged during these months).
Prophet Before its birth, i.e. during Jahiliyyah, these four months were considered forbidden months. But sometimes these months were changed according to convenience. It was purely in the name of prioritizing the implementation of the will of the clan chiefs. But the Messenger of God. After his prophethood, these months were glorified by giving them a special importance and dignity. Moreover, this Zil Hajj month is the month of obligatory Hajj for the Muslim Ummah. In this month, the able Muslim community of the world unites to perform Hajj in the holy Mecca and Medina in the hope of gaining closeness to Allah and His Messenger.
It is the month of Hajj, so the whole month is important, but the first ten days of this month are given more importance. On the eighth day, Ibrahim A. The first dream was that his son was being asked to sacrifice and he was in doubt whether it was really from Allah or Satan? Therefore, the eighth date of this month is called "Yum Tarbiya". On the ninth day, he had the same dream again and realized that it was indeed from Allah, so this day is called "Yum Arafa". This day is an important day for Hajj to make "Uquf" (station) at Arafa, it is an obligatory provision of Hajj.
There are three obligatory acts of Hajj, the other two are wearing Ihram and performing “Tawaf Jiyada” (Tawaf Jiyada which is performed after the sacrifice is called Tawaf Jiyada) so if someone does not perform “Uquf” then he will not perform Hajj and if Hajj is obligatory on him. Then he must perform Hajj again next year.
On the authority of Hazrat Ayesha, she said: Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said: Allah Almighty frees as many sinners from Hell on this day as He frees on any other day. And on this day Allah Almighty announced the completeness of Islam in the Holy Word-
Meaning: Today I have perfected your religion for you, completed My blessings upon you and accepted Islam as your religion for you, so obey the restrictions imposed on you by the halal and the haram.
On the 10th, Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) took his son for sacrifice and presented him before Allah, so this day is called "Yum Nahar" or the day of sacrifice. On this day, the most beloved act to Allah is to sacrifice.
Allah Ta'ala swears at the beginning of Surah Fajr of the Holy Qur'an 1.وَالْفَجْرِ 2. وَلَيَالٍ عَشْرٍ Meaning (1.) Fajr oath, 2.) Ten nights,) Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas RA said وَالْفَجْرِ means Fajr prayer and عَشْرٍ وَلَيَالٍ means the first ten nights of the month of Zil Hajj, but most of the mufashireen said وَالْفَجْرِ and Both عَشْرٍ وَلَيَالٍ mean the first ten nights of Zil Hajj Masr and they have also presented a narration from Hazrat Jaber RA in its favor. However, the Mufashirs agree that Allah Ta'ala wanted to explain the importance of the first ten nights of the month of Zil Hajj, so He swore by it.
Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas RA narrated some more virtues of the first ten days of the month of Zil Hajj 1. Hazrat Adam forgave him on the ninth day of the month of Zil Hajj and he was at Arafah at that time 2. Allah chose Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) as His Khaleel on the 10th of this month, to offer His son Ismail as a sacrifice 3. And in the first decade of Emas, Hazrat Ibrahim ah laid the foundation of Kaaba Sharif 4. It was in this decade that Hazrat Musa (AS) spoke to Allah 5. And Bayat Rizwan also took place in the first decade of Emmaus.
Special activities of this decade:
On the authority of Hazrat Aisha, she said: The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: Whoever spends every night in the first decade of the month of Zil Hajj in worship, it is as if he spent the whole year in Hajj and Umrah, and whoever fasts in this decade, it is as if he fasted the whole year (Mukashifat al-Qulub). )
In another hadith narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira RA, he said: Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said: The worship of the first ten days of the month of Zil Hajj, there is no other deed that Allah likes the most, and fasting every day of this ten days is equivalent to one year of reward and one Night worship is equivalent to the Qadr (meshqat) of the Sabbath.
In another hadith, the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said:
Whoever fasts on the ninth day of the month of Zil Hajj, Allah Ta'ala will measure the sins of the previous year and the next year as equal (Muslim).
However, one thing is particularly noteworthy: in another hadith, Hajj pilgrims are prohibited from fasting on the ninth day because if they fast, it will interfere with worship (Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam forbade those who stay at Arafa to fast) Abu Dawud.
And the 10th day of Ibadah is to sacrifice, and this is the best 10th day of Ibadah-
Sacrifice on the Day of Sacrifice is the most beloved deed to Allah and Sacrifice Animals On the Day of Resurrection, the sacrificed animal will appear with its horns, legs and hair and the blood of the sacrificed animal reaches the court of Allah before it falls on the ground, so you should sacrifice with pure intentions.
Another hadith states that those who have the ability to sacrifice but do not perform the sacrifice should not come to the Eidgah.
So we should be able to know and understand this month according to what Allah has blessed us with.
May Almighty Allah give us the Tawfiq to act, Ameen.
Author: Eminent Islamic thinker writer and columnist Hafiz Masum Ahmed Dudrachaki.