Marriage losing from Britain, Bangladeshis on top of married couple

June 06, 2023
Marriage losing from Britain, Bangladeshis on top of married couple Marriage is disappearing from Britain. UK Agency for Research on Children and Families, The results of the survey by Cvitas showed, If this continues, the culture of marriage will disappear within the next 50 years by 2062. Research shows that in 2062, one in every 400 adults in the UK will be married if current conditions continue. However, the survey showed that the highest marriage rate in Britain is among the Bangladeshi community. The marriage rate in the Bangladeshi community is 45 times higher than that of white Britons. British Bangladeshis are 71 times more likely to marry than Caribbean Non-whites living in the country. Britain's latest survey found that the marriage rate fell by 44 percent in 2021 compared to 1991. While the number of people living in unmarried civil partnerships is increasing around the world, the number of people living in civil partnerships is also falling, according to UK census data. The survey found that the five most religious people in Britain, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs, were 24 per cent more likely to be married than non-religious people. Divorce rates are 21 percent higher among the non-religious population than among the religious population. According to data from Britain's Office for National Statistics (ONS), 2021 was the first year in Britain's history in which unmarried parents fathered more children than married couples. In terms of marriage rates, ONSR statistics also showed that Britain had the lowest number of couples getting married in 2021 and 2022. While commenting on the matter, Senior figure of Bangladeshi community and Vice Chairman of Altab Ali Trust Lokman Uddin told , I have seen in some recent incidents, British. Even if Islamically married in the Bangladeshi community, it is legally registered in the Marriage Registry Office of Britain or The tendency to register marriages has decreased. There is no alternative to practice religious and family values so that the Bangladeshi children born in this country do not get swept away in the mainstream of Britain. He further said that in the Bangladeshi community, the trend of splendor is very high by spending a minimum of 15 thousand to 70 to 80 thousand pounds in each wedding. It can be seen in many areas that the cost of marriage is increased excessively despite taking loans. Many couples get married in debt due to prevailing social trends. Starting a family with a heavy load of debt later becomes a major reason for family strife and even family breakdown. Journalist Fakhrul Islam Khosru former joint general secretary of UK Bangla Press Club, told that although the British government has been offering marriage allowances to married couples every year since 2013, tax exemptions for middle-to-low-income married couples have not been able to attract couples to marriage. The changing social context and changing values are pushing the new generation towards marriage. Badol Ahmed, Joint General Secretary of Greater Sylhet Association Cardiff Region said, The first step in overcoming this situation would be for Britain's policy makers to recognize the issue as a social crisis.

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