Journalism or parliament; where Boris returning?

June 10, 2023
[caption id="attachment_182" align="alignnone" width="768"]Journalism or parliament; where Boris returning Photo: Collected[/caption] If he not resigned as a member of Parliament, he would have been expelled for perjury as a result of the Partygate inquiry. He has taken the strategy of voluntarily resigning before the results of the investigation into the Partigate scandal are out. By resigning in advance, he raised the voice of conspiracy against himself and wanted to draw sympathy for himself. Political analysts have termed the sudden resignation before the results of the investigation as a political strategy of Boris. By doing this, he has managed to avoid the risk of defeat in the upcoming by-election in his seat. Because Boris's past history suggests, his chances of fighting a risky challenge have always been slim. However, the observers are not ruling out the possibility that he will not want to return to the Parliament again by selecting from another seat. Because Boris is always an unpredictable character in British politics. But if Boris does not return to Parliament, will he return to his old profession of journalism? There is also disaster. His former workplace, the Telegraph newspaper, has been announced for sale two days ago by the owner of the newspaper. Although Johnson had just knighted his former editor Will Lewis. British political observers have no choice but to wait a bit for Boris to return to his party as the editor of any new newspaper and criticize the current Prime Minister of his own party, or some business group buy the Telegraph newspaper for him, which is on the sale list. A schoolmate of Ed Miliband, son of a Turkish diplomat father, career journalist Boris is a US citizen by birth. Outwardly a political entertainer, also very known as a journalist and politician who is able to show the charisma of the political entertainer in the arena of politics from time to time. It is worth bearing in mind that among Britain's living politicians, Boris is the man who has had both the ups and downs of his popularity.