Top 5 hotspots for study abroad students

July 29, 2023
Top 5 hotspots for study abroad students For most students, studying abroad is a life-changing experience. There is obviously much thought that goes into a journey that will influence their present and future. We discovered two undiscovered world wonders and three more well-known study abroad locations during our investigation into the "hotspots" around the world that tempt the discriminating student. Despite the fact that they might not be the first places that come to mind, several of these places have a lot to offer international students looking for top-notch educational opportunities overseas. Let’s delve into the lesser-known yet remarkable qualities of UAE and Singapore and other famous destinations like the UK, Australia, and the USA as study destinations and discover how these countries offer world-class education, a rich cultural experience, and a pathway to a promising future.

Australia: A Land of Diversity and Excellence

Australia, much like the USA and UK, has consistently been one of the top preferred destinations for students to pick from. In the year 2022, International students contributed $25.5 billion to the Australian economy. Leaving the lifestyle and culture aside, a common factor in all these locations, what makes Australia the biggest hotspot for students are the student-focused policies. Australia in its endeavour to make the country more attractive to international students and to help address the country’s skill shortage, introduced many policy changes as of 2023. Work rights during term time: As of July 1, 2023, international students in Australia will be able to work for a maximum of 48 hours per fortnight. This is an increase from the previous limit of 20 hours per week. Not just this, Australia has implemented changes in visa rules for Indian graduates studying in Australian tertiary. Now students can now apply for work without a visa for up to eight years. Post-study work rights: The Temporary Graduate Visa (subclass 485) has been extended for undergraduate or master’s students on any of 400 specific programs and for all PhD students. The visa is now valid for four years, instead of just two. Permanent residency: International students who have graduated from an eligible course and have worked in Australia for at least two years are now eligible to apply for permanent residency. Courses in demand in 2023: Bachelor of Business, Bachelor of Accounting, Bachelor of Business Analytics, Bachelor of Computer Science / Information Systems

USA: Embracing Innovation and Sustainability

Much like Australia, the USA is a major attraction for international students, especially from the Indian Subcontinent. Young students are drawn to the USA for a variety of reasons, including the potential for high alumni salaries, the vast size of its economy, and the prominent presence of numerous large corporations. Furthermore, the USA offers quality education, a distinctive curriculum, a multicultural environment, and abundant opportunities for growth. In the QS World Ranking 2023, 27 out of the top 100 universities worldwide are located in the United States. Similarly, the Times Higher Education Ranking also places seven American universities in the top 10 list of global universities. In-study work rights: In June 2021, the U.S. government announced that it would be lifting the cap on the number of international students allowed to work on campus during the academic year. This means that all international students with valid student visas will now be able to work up to 20 hours per week while their course is in session. Post-study work rights: In March 2022, the U.S. government announced that it would be extending the length of time that international students can stay in the United States after graduating from an eligible course. Under the new policy, international students will now be able to stay in the United States for up to 36 months after graduating. Courses in demand in 2023: Master of Computer Science, MBA – Data Analytics, Bachelor of Computer Science, Bachelor of Information Systems

Singapore: The Hub of Academic Excellence

Comparatively a new entrant, Singapore continues to hold its position as the hub of academic excellence. The country offers a high-quality education, a safe and vibrant environment, and a variety of work opportunities after graduation. In-study work rights: In July 2022, the Singapore government announced that it would be increasing the number of hours that international students are allowed to work per week from 12 to 16. This change is designed to give students more flexibility and to help them cover their living expenses. Post-study work rights: In January 2023, the Singapore government announced that it would be extending the length of time that international students can stay in Singapore after graduating from an eligible course. Under the new policy, international students will now be able to stay in Singapore for up to three years after graduating. Courses in demand in 2023: Bachelor’s in Banking & Finance, Diploma of Commerce, Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing and Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication, Bachelor of Technology, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Engineering

UAE: A Thriving Center of Business and Innovation

The United Arab Emirates, especially Dubai, provides a wide range of opportunities for business administration, finance, engineering, and hospitality management programs, accompanied by a dynamic business environment and a flourishing tourism industry. Graduates have abundant opportunities to pursue their careers in this vibrant city. Initiatives like free trade zones further enhance its appeal for foreign investments and entrepreneurship. In-study work rights: In January 2023, the UAE government announced that it would be increasing the number of hours that international students are allowed to work per week from 12 to 20. This change is designed to give students more flexibility and to help them cover their living expenses. Post-study work rights: In March 2023, the UAE government announced that it would be introducing a new Golden Visa for international students who graduate from top universities in the UAE. This visa allows students to stay and work in the UAE for up to 10 years. Courses in demand in 2023: Bachelor of Business in Management, Finance, Marketing and Accounting.

The United Kingdom: Nature’s Classroom for Education and Adventure

The UK is renowned for its excellence in various fields, including business and management, engineering, computer science, medicine, and the arts and humanities. The United Kingdom’s rich academic heritage, prestigious universities, and commitment to innovation have positioned it as a global leader in education. With centuries-old legacies, iconic libraries, and cutting-edge technological infrastructure, UK universities have embraced digital classrooms and technological advancements to provide students with a modern and comprehensive educational experience. This convergence of tradition and innovation ensures that the UK remains at the forefront of academic excellence in the digital age. In-study work rights: In July 2022, the UK government announced that it would be increasing the number of hours that international students are allowed to work per week from 12 to 20. This change is designed to give students more flexibility and to help them cover their living expenses. Post-study work rights: In January 2023, the UK government announced that it would be introducing a new Graduate Route visa for international students who graduate from eligible courses in the UK. This visa allows students to stay and work in the UK for up to two years. Courses in demand in 2023: Bachelor of Business Management, Bachelor of Finance, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Laws. These destinations offer exceptional educational opportunities, a rich cultural experience, and promising future prospects. Australia stands out for its student-focused policies, diverse culture, and lucrative work opportunities. The USA attracts students with its renowned universities, multicultural environment, and extended work rights. Singapore is known for its academic excellence, safe environment, and increased work and post-study stay options. UAE provides a thriving business and innovation centre, along with increased work rights and a new Golden Visa for graduates. The United Kingdom combines a prestigious academic heritage with modern technological advancements, making it an ideal destination for education and adventure.

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