Awami League-BNP begging for power from foreign masters

August 19, 2023
Awami League-BNP begging for power from foreign masters For the language of the country, the history of bloodbath for independence, even after 52 years of independence, Bangladesh is still captive to the own interests and benefits of America, China, Russia and India. The nakedness of our top political leaders to sit down and beg for help from their foreign masters to stay in or reach power is an insult to our many achievements, our place of honor as a nation. Ashamed. Our political parties seem to depend on their foreign masters, not the people's vote or suffrage, to stay in power or at any rate reach power. The way the leaders of the two major parties of a country immediately react to the news of the US ambassador's eyeballs or the news of Calcutta's paper Anandbazaar, it is only a naked manifestation of the power-hungry mischief of the parties without ideals and ethics in the name of politics. Like almost all the countries of the world, there is no possibility of building a platform of relatively pure ideal politics outside the circle of the two big parties in Bangladesh, which is a disappointment for many people. In the name of new generation politics of the third generation, making a living with begging money from people, even they are being a step more naked than Awami League or BNP, giving interviews to be a broker of Mossad, like Bikash touts in the voice of A sidewalk salve seller. The rhetoric of revolution will come in the country. Development is a continuous process of government. Brick sand concrete bridge or cosmetic development can never be a substitute for night voting or disenfranchisement of the people. At the same time, many people in the country have now lost interest in this two-party struggle to simply survive or even reach power. Because people know that even though the ballot marks is different, the main aim of their politics is the magical chair of the power. Governments have to make the structure to whom the power will be left after the term. Now there are allegations of vote rigging in school committee even journalistic organization elections. To repair the electoral system, qualitative change in politics is needed first. Since politics controls everything, as long as the relatively good people of the society cannot reach the center of politics, the hope of change is meaningless. The belief that Bangladesh will move forward through a meaningful positive and coordinated change through the revival of the institutions of the state, which are broken in today's bare partisanship, by the hands of the new generation, will never lose its way.   Writer: Munzer Ahmed Chowdhury Originator and publisher The Daily Dazzling Dawn