Portugal Golden Visa – Can I Still Apply in Time?

September 01, 2023
Portugal Investors looking for a path into Europe have long looked to Portugal's Golden Visa programme as a guide. Many are now uncertain as to whether they can still take advantage of this wonderful opportunity due to recent developments. Yes, and you can learn how to do it! Join us for a unique live webinar featuring Jason Swan, Senior Partner of Holborn Assets and Portugal's top authority on investing for the Golden Visa programme. The event is being arranged by Holborn Assets in conjunction with SchengenVisaInfo.com.

A Brief Overview of Portugal’s Golden Visa Program

Worldwide investors have chosen Portugal's Golden Visa programme because of its alluring incentives, which include a route to Portuguese residency and eventually citizenship by making investments in the nation. Historically, the programme required a minimum real estate investment of €350,000. Prospective candidates, however, are now questioning and worried by recent events.

President’s Unexpected & Game-Changing Move

The final version of the Golden Visa law, which contained provisions aimed at alleviating the nation's housing crisis, was adopted by the Portuguese Parliament in July of this year. The "More Housing" package, which attempted to increase the minimum investment requirement to 500,000 EUR in some districts, was nevertheless vetoed by the President on August 21. While the unexpected action by the President necessitates that the Parliament reconfirm the plan, people who are engaged in the programme are curious and perplexed by the news. In order to clarify what the change means for potential investors and how they can still be eligible for the Golden Visa Programme, SchengenVisaInfo.com is hosting this webinar.

Jason Swan Will Answer All Your Questions

With years of experience and in-depth knowledge of the program, Jason Swan is the go-to resource for anyone seeking clarity and guidance in navigating the changing landscape of the Golden Visa. Swan will be answering all your questions, from what will happen if you have started the legal process and chosen the investment to what to expect if you are yet to start the process.

What to Expect from the Webinar

  1. The Latest Updates: Jason Swan will bring you up to speed on the most recent developments regarding Portugal’s Golden Visa program. Learn what the President’s rejection of the latest changes means for aspiring Golden Visa investors and how it benefits them.
  2. Investment Options: Discover the available investment options that can still qualify you for the Golden Visa, even within reaching the minimum investment requirement set at €280,000.
  3. Expert Insights: Gain invaluable insights from Jason Swan on how to make the most strategic investment choices for your Golden Visa application.
  4. Q&A Session: Get all your questions answered by Jason himself during the live Q&A session.

Reserve Your Spot Today

Don’t miss this opportunity to get all your questions about the Golden Visa program answered and learn how you can still qualify with a minimum investment of €280,000. Register your spot for this exclusive webinar now, organised by Holborn Assets in cooperation with SchengenVisaInfo.com, and embark on your journey towards Portuguese residency and citizenship.

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