Salsabil's success

October 19, 2023
Salsabil's success Yusuf Abdur Rahman (Salsabil) father-Shahin Rahman, mother-poet and columnist Nurjahan Rahman. This year from Joy Lane Primary School with 400 marks in 4 subjects and the highest marks in the school, he passed the Sats exam with honors and got admission in Simon Langton Boys Grammar School. Salsabil is the youngest among four brothers and sisters. All his brothers and sisters are brilliant. All studied from Grammar School. But Salsabil scored better than all of them. Apart from studies, he is interested in playing football and painting. We wish this young student a bright future. His success is an inspiration to other children of the Bangladeshi community in Britain. Despite being the son of working parents, the main reason for his success is his willpower and talent.

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October 19, 2023
Salsabil's success