Visa fraud is being investigated in Canada-Bangladesh

November 15, 2023
[caption id="attachment_3592" align="alignright" width="1280"]Visa fraud is being investigated in Canada-Bangladesh Md Enamul Haque[/caption]
  •  Brother-in-law syndicate is reckless
  •  Uncertainty of 45 people to go to Canada who were offloaded
  •  Inviters may face questioning

The 45 passengers who were offloaded from the plane are now uncertain about going to Canada. Investigation has started in Bangladesh and Canada. The brokers who obtained visas with fake marriage invitations are hiding behind the fear of arrest. Their office is closed in Sylhet City. The signboard was dismantled in the dark of the night. The brother-in-law group made these visas for 12 to 18 lakhs. The offloaded passengers are frustrated not being able to contact brokers group as their phones are switched off and their Facebook IDs are deactive.

Meanwhile, 45 passengers are unable to know whether the Canada Border Agency has sent any information or not, as they do not know the ID number, user name and password of the visa application. They are in the dark about the whole matter. The brokers are also not giving any information to the passengers. Just saying, everything will be fine. No one should say anything to the media. Those who have already reached Canada after getting visa on the same invitation letter are also under tension. According to responsible sources, the fate of these 45 people is now in the hands of the Canada Border Agency. They are not allowed to fly until the investigation is over. An immigration expert said, fake or genuine wedding invitations, since the wedding date has passed, they have no chance to leave at this point. According to sources, Canada Border Agency has already started investigation after being informed by Biman Bangladesh Airlines. A third party in Delhi is reviewing the files of nearly a hundred people who got visas on fake marriage invitations, including 45 passengers who were offloaded. It is said that the primary report has already been given. It is reported that the Canada Border Agency is considering changes in considering the visa application of Bangladeshis in view of this incident. [caption id="attachment_3594" align="alignleft" width="1024"]Visa fraud is being investigated in Canada-Bangladesh Passengers picture at Sylhet Osmani Airport before departing for Canada. Photo: The Dazzling Dawn[/caption] Sources also said that the Canada Border Agency has also started an investigation into the authenticity of the marriage ceremony in Canada and the invitation providers. In this case, they can review the overall status of the inviters, including their immigration status. If the wedding ceremony is proved to be fake, the inviters can face serious problems. Soo The source also said that the police intelligence department is investigating the incident in Bangladesh. An official of DB police said that they are looking into the matter. They will take appropriate legal action against the brokers group involved in ruining the country's image.

Brother-in-law group:

It is known that the mastermind of this group is Enamul Haque Masum and his brother-in-law Kamrul Hasan Sahan. Masum is the son of Kanaighat Upazila's Birdol Village's Dr. Nazmul Haque. Sahan is the former chairman of Fulbari Union of Golapganj Upazila in Sylhet. He lives in Toronto with his family. Basically, Sahan sent invitations from Toronto by creating fake marriage documents. And his brother-in-law Masum processed in Bangladesh. Her daughter's wedding invitation card shows that this girl got married almost a year ago. It is known that Masum is not new in this profession. Earlier, there are allegations against him of embezzling money in the name of sending people to London and America. Meanwhile, there is a lot of discussion and criticism going on in Bangladesh about the 45 passenger off-load of the plane. Many are blaming Biman. According to them, if the visa is correct, Biman's offload is not correct. They are also calling the air officials Sylhet haters. Some say they offloaded 45 passengers because officials did not pay bribes. In this regard, the Biman authorities have given a statement on November 14, detailing the entire incident and what to do.
A statement sent by Biman General Manager Tahera Khandkar said, “On November 6, 2023 at 08:25 at night, 74 distinguished passengers departed for Dhaka from Sylhet in Biman flight BG606. Among these passengers, a significant number of passengers were passengers of Biman's Toronto flight (BG305/November 7, 2023). Officials in charge of the Sylhet station of Biman checked the travel information of the passengers and found that 45 passengers were traveling to Canada to attend a wedding ceremony on the invitation of the same person. The documents of the passenger were sent from Sylhet station to the Passport Control Unit (PCU) at Dhaka due to suspicion on immediate review of the documents. When the said unit sent the documents to the Canada Border Service Agency (CBSA) in Delhi for verification, they first said that the passenger information in the passenger list in the CBSA system is correct. As a result boarding cards were issued to the passengers from Sylhet and the honored passengers reached Dhaka. Meanwhile, the Canada Border Service Agency has again informed that there is an error in the system regarding the stay (accommodation) with the information on the invitation letter of the passengers. Passengers are provided with documents of rented houses even though they are supposed to stay in a hotel in the invitation letter. According to Canadian law, there is no limit to 45 occupants in a rented house and it is referred to in the message. 45 passengers were offloaded from the Toronto flight on November 7, 2023, following a review of passenger documents and Canada Border Services Agency messages and consultation with higher authorities. The details of the said passengers have been sent to the CBSA through the Passport Control Unit (PCU) in Dhaka and the CBSA informed that the visas of the said passengers have been sent to the immigration authorities. Canadian immigration authorities will inform the concerned passengers by email after further verification. When honorable passengers are offered hotels, they express their inability to go to hotels. When it was explained not to be sent on the Toronto flight, they understood the matter. Later, the immigration canceled their exit seal and the baggage was handed over and the passengers left the airport on their own. It should be noted that if the passenger does not have the proper documents or for such violation, the Canadian authorities may impose fines of up to 3200-20,000 Canadian dollars per passenger on the concerned airlines.”
[caption id="attachment_3593" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]Visa fraud is being investigated in Canada-Bangladesh Passengers picture at Sylhet Osmani Airport before departing for Canada. Photo: The Dazzling Dawn[/caption]
Meanwhile, a lawyer named Advocate Kazi Musharraf Rashed on behalf of the Jalalabad Expatriate Welfare Council has sent a legal notice to the Chairman of the Biman Management Board. The notice requested Canada-bound passengers to show reasons for the offload within 7 days. Biman Board Chairman Mustafa Kamal Uddin told Dazzling Dawn, “I am not an employee of Biman. Chairman of the Board of Directors. Managing Director and CEO of Biman can elaborate. I have no opportunity to know about such incidents. The meeting of the board of directors has an opportunity to know only when any matter is raised.”