Uproar over Awami League's nomination in Moulvibazar

November 27, 2023
The fact that current MP Nesar Ahmad has been deprived of party nomination in Moulvibazar-3 (Sadar-Rajnagar) parliamentary seat in the unheated field of one-sided election is now being discussed across the district. Nesar Ahmed is a professional politician who became MP after getting party nomination in the last election after two late senior leaders. He is one of the most prominent leaders of Awami politics in the district and the current president of the district Awami League. After the death of Syed Mohsin Ali, he got the party nomination in the last general elections. Disappointment is prevailing among the veteran leader's supporters across the district, including the district headquarter on being denied nomination. Many of the followers and activists are expressing their disappointment on Facebook. Zillur Rahman, who was nominated in place of Nesar Ahmed, is a newcomer in politics compared to Nesar Ahmed and is also the age of Nesar Ahmed's son. The party leaders and activists themselves are not able to match the calculation of getting the nomination of the new politician & businessman Zillur Rahman after cutting the heavyweight candidates including former MP Syeda Saira Mohsin, municipal mayor Fazlur Rahman of this seat. On condition of anonymity, a senior leader of the district Awami League said to Daily Dazzling Dawn, Nesar Ahmad also before getting an overnight ticket in the last election, he was not a union chairman or never participated in any election before. It was the party president who made him an MP in the 2018 election. After becoming an MP, Nesar Ahmed was not able to maintain the reputation he had as a honest leader. On the contrary, common people and even journalists are accused of rude and arrogant behavior against him. It has been learned that Shafi Mia, the nephew of Member of Parliament Nesar Ahmed, took possession of the land of Munzer Ahmed Chowdhury, a senior and journalist of the United Kingdom and Bangladesh, in Matarkapan area of Sadar Upazila. At that time, many journalists of the district headquarters along with Munzer talked to the MP, but the MP did not take any action. Later, when the news about this land grabbing incident was published in various TV channels and newspapers, the MP was in the face of controversy all over the country. Various activities, have tarnished the MP's past image of integrity. Azizur Rahman, former MP, whip and central Awami League joint secretary of Nesar Ahmad's Political guru, did not appoint any private secretary during his lifetime. But he made his one of his relatives PS after being an MP. Not being able to develop the desired area as an MP and using the in-party conflict, another influential candidate in this seat capitalized on these events and took various tricks to win the nomination. Although Nesar Ahmed has repeatedly said that he did not commit any corruption as an MP. A large part of the Rajnagar Upzilla Awami League between the two Upzilla parliamentary seat, under the leadership of Upzilla Chairman Shahjahan Khan, held meetings and press conferences with various accusations of various irregularities, corruption and the struggle for supremacy of the parliament members within the party. At the last moment, the situation changed when most of the candidates, including former MP Syeda Sayra Mohsin, made a unanimous demand at the Center to field someone other than Nesar Ahmed.

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