A new driving law being considered in UK

February 09, 2024
A problem that is allegedly "getting worse" is anticipated to mostly impact older drivers, and a new driving regulation in the UK is currently under consideration. 1,500 individuals have signed a petition on the Parliament website asking for an examination of automobile headlights to avoid blinding drivers, especially elderly ones. The petition states: "The issue of some headlights making it unsafe for drivers to see ahead of them should be investigated by the government. To identify answers, the review should be carried out in conjunction with automakers." The petitioner added: "The problem has not been dealt with and I feel is getting worse. Nearly every driver I speak to agrees with me that it is a problem for them too." It also mentions that the RAC raised this issue in 2018 and a recent study showed that nine out of ten drivers think some or most car headlights on UK roads are too bright. BirminghamLive reported that government data showed that dazzling headlights contribute to around 300 crashes each year. If the petition reaches 10,000 signatures, the government will respond, and at 100,000 signatures, it could be debated in Parliament. A survey by the RAC of 2,000 drivers found a whopping nine-in-10 (89 per cent) believe at least some car headlights on the road today are too bright. Of these, three-in-10 (28 per cent) a higher proportion than ever think most are. A massive 91 per cent of these drivers complain about the brightness of car headlights, with three-quarters (74 per cent) saying this happens regularly. RAC spokesman Rod Dennis said: "Our figures suggest drivers are more concerned than ever about headlight glare, with a huge proportion wanting to see something done about it. We urgently need the Government to take a closer look at the issue, ideally by commissioning an independent study to understand what's causing an increase in reports of dazzling and, most importantly, what can do be done to keep drivers safe. "With spring still a long way off, there's a good chance many people will do most of their driving in darkness over the next few months and, according to our research, that means an awful lot of drivers will experience the discomfort and even danger that comes from being dazzled by headlights." He added: "On the one hand, brighter headlights can be a good thing as they give drivers a clearer and safer view of the road view of the road, but that appears to come at a cost for those on the receiving end of excessively bright lights. "The numbers of reported road casualties where headlight glare was listed as a contributing factor might be small when compared to something like speeding, but that only tells part of the story. Is it right we have such a high proportion of drivers who feel unsafe when they're driving at night, with some having even given up night-time trips altogether?"