Germany's leave from EU would 'ruin' the economy as fresh calls for Dexit grow

February 14, 2024
Christian Lindner, Germany's finance minister, has warned sternly against the prospect of the nation exiting the EU, stating that such a move would be catastrophic for the German economy. The remarks coincide with the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party's recent revived calls for a "Dexit". In an interview with Bloomberg TV, Lindner emphasised how important Germany is to the EU single market. He said: "The EU's single market is of utmost importance for us. Leaving the EU would ruin our economy. "This is why we have to tell people, OK, you maybe are not in line with government policies but this is no reason for changing the complete system and for changing what our wealth is based on." Lindner's remarks counter the growing sentiment within the AfD, led by Alice Weidel, advocating for a departure from the European Union. Weidel has openly praised Britain's decision to leave the EU and has suggested that Germany should follow suit. Speaking to the Financial Times last month, Weidel expressed her concerns about the EU's structure. She said: "If a reform [of the EU] isn't possible if we fail to rebuild the sovereignty of the EU member states, we should let the people decide, just as Britain did." The AfD's push for a potential "Dexit" has stirred debate within German political circles, with critics arguing that such a move could have severe economic repercussions. Germany's strong economic ties with the EU and the benefits derived from the single market have played a crucial role in its prosperity. Lindner's warning underscores the potential risks and challenges that the country may face if it were to pursue a path similar to that of the United Kingdom.

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