New pictures display British ship Rubymar still afloat

February 22, 2024
[caption id="attachment_5471" align="alignleft" width="2048"]The BBC has obtained images which show vessel still above water The BBC has obtained images which show vessel still above water[/caption] BBC Verify discovered that a ship registered in the United Kingdom was assaulted in the Red Sea and sustained damage, but did not sink. Houthi rebels declared on Monday that they had sunk the Rubymar. This would have been the biggest event since ship attacks started in November. However, an image of the listing ship from Wednesday that the BBC was able to obtain shows it still above water. The owner of the yacht stated that although it was being towed to Djibouti, it might sink. In recent months, there have been numerous attacks on ships in the Red Sea. According to BBC analysis, even after the US and UK launched operations against the Houthis in Yemen, the attacks have persisted. On Monday, missiles hit the Rubymar near the Bab al-Mandab strait. The ship's owners - Blue Fleet Group - said one missile had hit the side of the ship near its engine room and it was listing. A second missile hit the vessel's deck. The crew abandoned the ship and were taken to nearby Djibouti. That evening, a Houthi spokesman claimed the vessel had been sunk. But the BBC has obtained two images. The first is said to be from Tuesday and shows a vessel still above water. It is listing, but has not sunk. Although the ship's name is not visible, all of its characteristics match those of the Rubymar. The BBC has also obtained an image from Wednesday showing the same vessel in a similar position. A further satellite image from Tuesday also appears to show the vessel damaged, but above water. Again, all the characteristics match those of the Rubymar. The BBC has also been told by its owners that they are trying to tow the ship to Djibouti. That was confirmed by a second source from the industry. It is unclear whether the vessel can be fully salvaged given the damage done. But Houthi claims to have sunk it on Monday appear to be incorrect. The Houthis say their attacks are a show of support for the Palestinians in the war between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The attacks have prompted many shipping companies to stop using the critical waterway, which accounts for about 12% of global seaborne trade. The UK government has condemned the Houthi action as "completely unacceptable" and said it and its allies reserve the right to respond appropriately. US and British forces began carrying out air strikes on military targets across Houthi-controlled western Yemen in response last month.