Winter migrant birds under the cover of Red Water Lily

February 22, 2024
View across the hills of green tea plantations and clear mountain lakes. Above this, the smile of countless Red Water Lily. By increasing the level of beauty, the migrant birds of winter are hiding behind.
Such a beautiful scene is seen in rubber dam No. 20 of Mathiura tea garden in Rajnagar upazila of Moulvibazar district. This is like Shapla's reign in the kingdom of tea. Going to Mathiura tea garden, it can be seen that Lake number 20 is blooming with eye-catching red flowers. In the morning and the evening, there is moving around of the migrant birds. This pristine creation of nature exudes softness in the quiet environment of the mountain lake. Just seeing such an eye-catching scene will come out of the mouth 'Wow what is beautiful'. Then you will be humming without knowing, 'Ah, so many flowers bloom in this spring, so many flutes are playing, so many birds are singing'. In the lazy afternoons, the migrant birds indulge in murderous and water-drinking games under the cover of Red Water Lily. If you walk around the lake, you will see monkeys jumping from one tree branch to another tree branch. It makes the surroundings more charming. Locals said the beauty here fascinates everyone. Due to this lake, the beauty of this place has emerged. Many of our neighbors come to visit here. Tourist Abu Bakar said that due to the lack of a good communication system, there is not much of a crowd for travelers. The reign of Red Water Lily in such a wonderful beauty makes the mind happy. Abid Hasan, who came to visit from Moulvibazar on Tuesday afternoon, said, "It is one of the lakes I have seen. I was mesmerized by the towering tea hills and the breathtaking beauty of the lake. If this lake is more beautiful and development of a communication system will add another tourist spot in the tourism district Moulvibazar. Talk to Pradeep Lal Rajbhar, a resident of the Mathiura tea estate. He said that as travel is not easy in the hilly plains, fewer travelers come here. If you consider the aspect of beauty, this lake is lovely. Wahiduzzaman, the manager of the tea garden, said that it is a private property of a tea company and we cannot open it for tourists due to various restrictions. Primarily made for tea gardens. We really can't stop the wanderlust.

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