A hierarchy of racism, why marches matter and minimum wage

March 15, 2024
[caption id="attachment_5893" align="alignleft" width="2560"]Labour MP Diane Abbott Labour MP Diane Abbott[/caption] Does racism have a hierarchy in the Conservative Party? Readers examine Tory donor Frank Hester's racist statements directed at Labour MP Diane Abbott in today's MetroTalk, as well as the Prime Minister's lacklustre response. If such disgusting remarks were spoken to someone else, would they be ignored? Readers also discuss marches in the UK, the Conservative party's reinterpretation of radicalism, and the minimum wage.

Was Frank Hester not inciting racist extremism?

The Conservative government is revising the definition of ‘extremism’.

Meanwhile, its largest donor, Frank Hester, allegedly stated that looking at Diane Abbott MP makes you ‘want to hate black women’ and that she ‘should be shot’ (Metro, Wed).

However, it took more than 24 hours for prime minister Rishi Sunak to state that although this language was racist (and violent), Mr Hester has since expressed remorse, so basically all should be forgiven.

I can’t help but wonder what the government’s reaction would have been if Mr Hester had said that looking at Dame Margaret Hodge MP makes you want to hate Jewish women and that she should be shot.

Would a Muslim, pro-Palestine protester shouting antisemitic abuse, who subsequently apologised, be extended the same grace and mercy?

It seems there is a hierarchy of racism within the Conservative Party (and beyond), with black people and Muslims at the bottom. Shaun, Woodford Green

What message are the Tories sending?

I was listening to a talk radio station where they were asking for opinions on Mr Hester’s comments.

A father called in. He was black and had to explain to his daughters why someone would say such things. He was in tears.

The message from the Tories is you can spout racist and sexist comments but if you apologise, that’s OK.

When I was racially abused as a kid, all I was waiting for was an apology so I could tell them ‘no harm done!’ Manoj, London

The Speaker’s decision not to call Diane Abbott to speak in the Commons on the topic of Mr Hester was ridiculous. He should have made sure there was time available for her. Martin Grossman, Hackney

A prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Reform wants you to know they’re not extremist.

The headline on Wednesday’s letters page put the word ‘extremism’ next to ‘The Reform Party’.

If you look at our policies, you will see there is nothing remotely extremist there – just sensible, 
middle-of-the-road positions.

We are made up of ex-Labour and ex-Tory supporters, many never previously involved in politics, who are fed up with all the current lot! Steve Chilcott, Reform Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, Ealing Southall

Why marches matter

Daniela (MetroTalk, Thu) is wrong 
to say the pro-Palestinian marches are a waste of time (and money).

If there is no ceasefire, that is because the US has vetoed UN Security Council resolutions calling for one three times.

And public pressure (including marches) is now forcing attempts to get more aid into Gaza. Without such pressure, the West would let Israel do whatever it likes. Mat, Manchester

Minimum wage and violent tube passengers

Robin (MetroTalk, Wed) is quite right that minimum wage has become the default.

When it was introduced, I was doing a job that paid slightly more. As soon as it was introduced, we were told we would have to take a pay cut or leave.

Many of us left but other jobs also offered minimum wage. When I tried to claim unemployment benefit, I was refused because I had left my last job.

As a result, I got behind with my rent and was evicted. It took five years to get back on my feet. Prior to minimum wage, I’d never been unemployed or behind with my rent. Mick, London

It was not nice for Natalie’s 70-year-old dad to have someone threaten to punch him on the Tube (MetroTalk, Thu).

But unless this was London mayor Sadiq Khan himself, what exactly does she expect him to do? J Pedersen, London

Source: Metro