‘Airport contact' for 50 thousand taka to go to Canada!

March 29, 2024
  • The business of dishonest Biman officials is booming in Sylhet.

Finally, Biman officials at Sylhet International Airport have succeeded! They have launched the 'Airport Contact' system for passengers going to Canada, like Middle Easterners. If you want to get on the plane to Canada without any harassment, you have to pay 50 thousand takas per passenger. Of these, 40,000 takas for Biman officials and 10,000 takas for immigration officials. There are multiple brokers that can coordinate this payment. Canadian visa processing consultancy firms make these contacts through brokers. Many are directly contacted by known airline officials themselves. Not only Sylhet but ordinary passengers going to Canada are being harassed at various transit points, including Dhaka, Dubai, Doha, and Hong Kong. Even though the visa is correct, many people must be turned back on different pretexts. Returning passengers of other airlines are being put on flights through contacts. There was an uproar over this in Sylhet.

There are complaints that passengers use other airlines due to harassment by Biman Bangladesh Airlines officials in Sylhet and Dhaka. Even if the visa is correct, the airline officials throw thousands of questions at the passengers. Ask the Canadian Border Agency if the visa is valid. Invitation, Confirm hotel booking, invitee's passport, and various documents, including tax. Call the invitee and ask various irrelevant questions. Which is different from their responsibility. The long-cherished dreams of many people have been destroyed by their unwillingness. Recently, this problem has also started in other airlines. Several victims said that although other airlines have relatively reduced the hassle in Dhaka, the passengers have to face these questions, like Biman in transit. This March, many Canada heading people were turned away from Doha, Dubai, and Hong Kong. However, there is no opportunity to check whether the visa is correct or not in transit. Most visitors to Canada in the recent tide were from Sylhet. They passed through the airport for the first 6 months without worry. Several consultants who process visas said that passengers always prefer Bangladesh Airlines. However, in November last year, Biman officials started harassing passengers travelling to Canada on visit visas. Every day, they turn away several passengers from Sylhet and Dhaka from the airport even though their visas are valid. As a result, passengers are forced to switch to other airlines. According to several consultancy firms in Sylhet, the main reason for the harassment of Biman officials was to ensure permanent illegal income. According to sources, airline officials have launched an 'airport contact' system for Canada-bound visitor passengers like Middle East-bound workers at Sylhet airport. If you agree with Tk 50,000, you can fly from Sylhet to Dhaka without problems. If there is no agreement, various questions and harassment will start from the sideline at the boarding counter. If the passenger is weak, the level of harassment increases. They turned back multiple passengers on each flight even though their visas were correct. A consultant said Biman officials ask the Canadian Border Agency if about 40 percent of passengers have valid visas. As a result, suspicions of the Canadian Border Agency have also increased. They also cancel the visa after reviewing many documents after issuing it or suspend the visa after receiving a report from the airline. Due to various irregularities, the number of visas issued is decreasing daily. The source also said that an influential broker circle of Biman is taking up to 4 to 10 lakh taka to transfer passengers with suspended and cancelled visas or passengers deported from other airlines to Biman with boarding cards. As the flight is direct, these passengers are reaching Toronto and making refugee claims at the airport. These dishonest officers are looting lakhs of takas on every flight. According to the sources, no passengers of airport contact from Sylhet are harassed, even in transit to Dhaka. In Sylhet, if someone takes a contactless boarding card through influence or power, he has to face many questions in Dhaka transit. Many people have already been deported from Dhaka. It is known that this Biman syndicate is very influential. Even the top authorities in Biman could not break this syndicate. Dazzling Dawn spoke to several people who got visas. They said that due to the dishonest officials of the airlines, panic has arisen among the people as it is uncertain to go to Canada even after getting a visa. Having to return from the airport or transit after spending lakhs of takas. The airlines are not taking any responsibility as to why they are sending these passengers back. As a result, people are forced to turn to airport contact. When asked to talk to several officials of Biman about these complaints, they disagreed. Saying that higher authorities prohibited from talking to the media.