MPs back smoking ban for those born after 2009

April 17, 2024
Plans to outlaw the sale of cigarettes to anybody born after 2009 have the support of MPs, virtually guaranteeing its passage into law. Proposed by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, the reforms overcame resistance from a number of prominent Conservative members. Defending the plans, Health Secretary Victoria Atkins told MPs that "there is no liberty in addiction". By a vote of 383 to 67, the Tobacco and Vapes Bill was approved. A "smoke free generation" would result from the plan, according to Ms. Atkins. But a number of Tory MPs, such as former prime minister Liz Truss, claimed it would restrict individual liberty. Conservative MPs were given a free vote on the bill, meaning they were not ordered to vote with the government. But full support by Labour's front bench ensured the measures passed. Business Secretary Kemi Badenoch said she voted against the bill, and Foreign Office minister Anne-Marie Trevelyan also signalled her opposition. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak used his conference speech in October of last year to unveil his plans to ban people born after 1 January 2009 from buying tobacco products. On Tuesday, MPs got their first chance to debate the legislation implementing the ban. Ms Truss was one of the first to speak against the bill, telling the House of Commons it risked infantilising people. "It is very important that until people have decision-making capability while they are growing up that we protect them but I think the whole idea that we can protect adults from themselves is hugely problematic." Her concern was echoed by some of her fellow Conservative MPs. Former minister Sir Jake Berry said he was more concerned about "the addiction of the government to telling people what to do" than he was about people addicted to nicotine. "I want to live in a free society where I am free to make both good and bad decisions." Ms Atkins said she understood their concerns about "banning things" but defended the bill arguing: "Nicotine robs people of their freedom to choose." "The vast majority of smokers start when they are young, and three quarters say that if they could turn back the clock they would not have started." Earlier in the day, England's chief medical officer Sir Chris Whitty said once people become addicted to smoking "their choice is taken away". "When I was a junior doctor doing surgery I remember the tragedy of seeing people, whose legs had had to be cut off because of the smoking that had damaged their arteries, outside the hospital weeping as they lit up because they were trapped by addiction - that is not choice." Backing the change in Parliament, Labour's shadow health secretary Wes Streeting said the Conservatives had "adopted" the policy from Labour, demonstrating his party's "dominance in the battle of ideas". The bill also aims to make vapes less appealing to children, with new restrictions on flavours and packaging. Trading standards officers would also get new powers to issue on-the-spot £100 fines to shops selling tobacco or vapes to children, with all the money raised going towards further enforcement. Figures show that one in five children has tried vaping despite it being illegal for under-18s, while the number of children using vapes has tripled in the past three years.