Daily Dazzling Dawn expects to touch a billion readers

June 02, 2024
Dr. Nijam Ahmed Chowdhury
  • Based in London, the daily newspaper mainly focuses on news about the immigrant and ethnic minority communities in the country

According to similar web and Google Analytics statistics, Daily Dazzling Dawn gained the trust of more than a million readers in just one year of its establishment. 

Based in London, the daily newspaper mainly focuses on news about the immigrant and ethnic minority communities in the country. in addition to their print edition and 24-hour online edition. There were efforts to raise the issue of the prospects of the immigrant Bangladeshi community in Britain.The community of over millions of British-Bangladeshi and Bangladeshi people in Britain was a void without a single full-fledged English daily. The newspaper has tried its best to fill that void in the first year. As a reader, I am impressed by the different levels of news coverage at Daily Dazzling Dawn, the speedy delivery of accurate news in the online edition, and the sense of taste of the newspaper's makeup and layout in both the print and online editions. The success of the mainstream daily newspaper has inspired me as a reader when people are now busy watching videos on social media.

The Daily Dazzling Dawn is not owned by any business or commercial group but by a long-time, experienced professional journalist. The paper is not biassed towards any party or opinion, as it has proved in the last year. May their journey of ethical journalism continue forever.

Writer: Register at Sylhet Women's Medical College