Net Family Get Together

June 04, 2024
  • Everyone enjoyed this beautiful and happy moment, and in the future, many more steps will be taken to increase the involvement of the new generation of youth with this project

A family get together was held at Isle of Wight on May 26th/27th under the initiative of the Nabigonj Education Trust UK, (NET). Whilst there, they visited various sightseeing and historical places. Under the chairmanship of president Mahtab Miah and the joint management program coordinator Abdul Shahid and General Secretary Md Abdul Hye, documented images of the many events held by the organisation were shown at the local Phoenix House and prizes were distributed to the participants of the various Bangladeshi games that were played. Everyone enjoyed this beautiful and happy moment, and in the future, many more steps will be taken to increase the involvement of the new generation of youth with this project. The management committee have vowed to make this event an annual tradition.

Attendees of families, friends & guests: Chair Mr Mahtab Miah, Mr Abdul Hye (Secretary), Nurul Khas Ripon (Treasurer), Vice Chair Mr Hadis Miah, ex chair Mr Kamrul Hassan Chunu, ex chair Mr Mujahid Miah, ex secretary Mr Enayet khan, Honourable EC members: Atiqur Rahman Liton, Sheikh Shamim Ahmed, Zillur Rahman (Zilu), (Organising Secretary) Honourable Trustees: Abdal Hussain Chowdhury, Mr Salim Ahmed, Zila Miah Juwel, Mr Abdul Mukit Chowdhury, Mr Abu Bakkar Ahmed, Mr Motiur Rahman Chowdhury, Mr Saleh Ahmed, Mr Surot Miah, 

Friends & Guests: Fauzia Sayeed & friends, Mr Abul Kalam, Mr Shahin Chowdhury (Committed New trustee)

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