UK General Election 2024

Independent candidate Perveen Hussain to run for Halifax seat

June 11, 2024
Perveen Hussain is a life coach, with previous experience in the legal and teaching professions.
  • After earning her law degree, she worked as a teacher before starting her own life coaching company.

Perveen Hussain, a life coach, has declared that she will run as an Independent in the general election to take the Halifax seat.

When voters in the constituency head to the polls on July 4, the married mother of three, who describes herself as "an old fashioned socialist," says she is providing them with an option.

Mrs. Hussain, who saw herself as "Yorkshire not quite born but definitely bred," moved to Halifax as a baby and remained there.

After earning her law degree, she worked as a teacher before starting her own life coaching company.

Mrs Hussain has been involved in several voluntary activities serving the community, including a large scouting group which she helped to establish.

It is now about 100-strong with a long waiting list.

Her other commitments include being a trustee of Calderdale Interfaith and working towards peace in Palestine and humanitarian relief for its citizens.

Mrs Hussain said: “My work, both paid and voluntary, means that I have met many people throughout Calderdale and understand their concerns, which I share.”

She believes that she has values, with which most British people identify, with fairness at their heart.

Mrs Hussain added: “Most political parties make promises but I believe that we need deeds not words and that it is only by Halifax having its own voice in Parliament that local people can be heard.”

Others standing in Halifax are Kate Dearden (Labour); James Samuel Laugharne Griffith-Jones (Reform UK); Martin Hey (Green Party); Samuel Jackson (Liberal Democrat); Shakir Saghir (Workers Party of Britain) and Hazel Sharp (Conservative).