Savaral Bangladeshi protesters arrested in Dubai

July 20, 2024

According to Emirates News Agency (WAM), the United Arab Emirates announced on Saturday that it has detained a number of expats from Bangladesh for demonstrating against their home country "in several streets across the UAE on Friday."According to Emirates News Agency (WAM), the United Arab Emirates announced on Saturday that it has detained a number of expats from Bangladesh for demonstrating against their home country "in several streets across the UAE on Friday."

UAE Attorney-General Dr. Hamad Saif al-Shamsi ordered an immediate investigation.

According to the statement, the suspects face charges for “gathering in a public place and protesting against their home government with the intent to incite unrest, obstruct the enforcement of laws and regulations, disrupt individual interests, cause harm and danger to others, violate their rights, disrupt traffic, and damage both public and private property.”

In addition, the demonstrators are said to have called for and incited the demonstrations, purposefully disrupted transportation, and recorded and distributed audiovisual material of the protest online—all offences that are illegal in the United Arab Emirates. The WAM statement said, "[The acts] constitute offences against state security and public order, and jeopardise the UAE's interests." The suspects are to be sent to an expedited trial, per the directive of the UAE Attorney General.In addition, the demonstrators are said to have called for and incited the demonstrations, purposefully disrupted transportation, and recorded and distributed audiovisual material of the protest online—all offences that are illegal in the United Arab Emirates. The WAM statement said, "[The acts] constitute offences against state security and public order, and jeopardise the UAE's interests."