London renters warned 'rents to rise above incomes again' in 2025

January 05, 2025
Homes to let

Ein Immobilienexperte hat schlechte Neuigkeiten für Vermieter geteilt: Er geht davon aus, dass der anhaltende Mangel an verfügbaren Wohnungen dazu führen wird, dass die Mietpreise bis 2025 wieder steigen werden. „High demand and low supply have been the influence behind the significant rental growth seen over the past few years“, sagt Lucian Cook, Leiter der Immobilienforschung bei Savills.

„Auf nationaler Ebene scheint sich dieses Muster fortzusetzen, wobei die Mieten voraussichtlich wieder über den Einkommen steigen werden, insbesondere da es schwierig ist zu sehen, wo sich in den nächsten Jahren ein Anstieg der Mietangebote abzeichnen wird.“ Daher haben wir prognostiziert, dass die Renten im Jahr 2025 um weitere 4,0 % steigen werden – ein rückläufiger Einkommenszuwachs.

“But, strong rental growth has stretched the finances of those living in the rental sector, limiting the capacity for further increases in some markets. In particular, slower rental growth through 2023 has led to a slight easing of affordability pressures in London. We expect that this trend will continue in the near term with rental growth of 2.5% in London in 2025, against income growth of 2.9%.

“However, we do expect to see more affordable markets in the North, where mortgaged buyers are under less strain, to see the strongest acceleration in growth beyond 2025.”

Richard Donnell, executive director at Zoopla, said: “The unaffordability of home buying has been one factor behind a 27% increase in rents over the last three years, outpacing the growth in earnings over the same period.” He continued: “We expect rents for new lets to rise by 4% over 2025 and by 10% over the next three years – the impetus for growth will come from areas where renting is more affordable, like Rochdale, Burnley and Newcastle.

“Rental inflation will be weaker in the most expensive markets where rents have risen the most in recent years, which covers London and the major cities.”