Thousands of Bangladeshis cheated name of care visa in UK

August 18, 2023
Thousands of Bangladeshis cheated name of care visa in UK Thousands of Bangladeshis are not getting work even after six months after spending three million taka in the name of care visa in Britain. Fahim and his wife Rehana couple of Sylhet city. The husband and wife came to Britain on care visa after paying 30 lakh taka from Bangladesh and signing a stamp agreement with the broker. The employer here has not given a single hour of work in the last 6 months, even though it is supposed to offer full-time work. The main condition of care or work permit visa is to have work. But the home office has sent a letter to inform the latest status of those who are unable to join work even after 6 months. There are hundreds of such examples. In the last two weeks, the Home Office has sent letters asking for the latest whereabouts of people who came on a care visa. In such a reality, many Bangladeshis are afraid of visa cancellation. Several care home licenses have also been canceled due to non-performance and irregularities. Care home workers whose licenses have been revoked are suffering endless irony.

How the Bangladeshis were cheated

Ms Siddiqui came to London on a care visa six months ago. She told that thousands of Bangladeshis are in this country on care visa.Unemployed since arrival. I'm not alone. Most companies don't offer work, even those that do offer seven to eight hours a week. The money for that work does not pay for the train bus fare. The cost of living and eating is far away. A person named Tanim Ahmed told that many companies, including his company, asked him to interview for three months after coming here to master the English language. They won't work if they can't master English. If you can achieve proficiency in English then there will be carer training. After that training, if you pass the test, you will get a job. Now at this time the cost of life journey has become impossible for many like me. I have paid the room rent by bringing money from the country for two months. The Home Office has written to update me on my status. Rajon Ahmed said, the person with whom the contract was made in Sylhet for 22 lakh taka is now saying that he will not be able to make the work arrangement that he had the contract with until he reaches London. Unemployed with his wife and one child for the past three months, he has been spending his days in endless misery. The room rent is nine hundred pounds per month. He is doubtful about how long he will be able to pay the rent by bringing money from the country.

What lawyers and social workers say

Barrister Shuvagata Dey said , overnight after the introduction of care visas, a class of care home owners and their brokers from various countries including India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, China, and Britain have become involved in the business of human trafficking. started A care home owner who needs five staff brings in forty staff. Again there are workers who are not trained to give care, do not have the slightest idea. They don't even understand the British people they care for. The Home Office should have verified or confirmed the competence of the person coming on a care visa as a worker. Thousands of workers who have come to Britain after spending three million taka and are unemployed are spending their days in unbearable misery, among them there are at least a few thousand Bangladeshis, who are in fear of visa cancellation due to not getting work. Care home owners and home offices cannot avoid this responsibility He also told, if there is proof, the cheated can complain to the Home Office. On receipt of a complaint, the Home Office will initiate an inquiry against the establishment concerned. But this does not solve the problem of the victim. It is most important to know and understand before coming. Social activist Junedur Rahman said, In England, they have been spending 20 to 25 lakh rupees without thinking about anything for care home visa. But because the work permit is not correct, the employer is not able to give work, so many Bangladeshis are now living inhuman life in this country. In addition, the British government has made a new law if an employer gives work to an illegal worker, immigration will fine the employee five forty thousand pounds (£45,000). Earlier it was fifteen thousand pounds, now it has tripled to 45 thousand pounds. The owners are not giving work even at half wages for fear of fines. So those who are coming from Bangladesh should come with proper work permit. You must have a job in the company that will issue you the work permit. Apart from those who are coming on a care home work permit, no care home company can take money from anyone according to British law. The companies themselves spend two hundred pounds and give the work permit for free. Care home visa must actually know how to drive and understand and speak English and must know all the work of a carer professionally. Otherwise, you will not get work by coming here. Journalist Mahbubul Karim Suyed, Treasurer of UK Bangla Press Club, told that no money should be taken for care visa. But in the field of coming with a spouse, there are countless cases of brokers taking twenty to twenty five thousand pounds. Even after spending so much money, there is no work. Many are trying to enter European countries. A class of brokers are stealing hundreds of crores of rupees in the name of care visa. And 95 percent of those who come are being cheated. Not only care visa, now fraud is going on in the name of charity visa in the name of mosque imam visa.

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