To see Europe's rich culture and history, long-haul travellers face rising costs

October 14, 2023
Long-Haul Travellers Long-haul travelers are increasingly eager to experience European destinations in fall 2023, with travel interest remaining elevated or even increasing compared to last year. According to the latest March 2023 Long-Haul Travel Barometer from the European Travel Commission (ETC), to get the most out of their experiences while controlling costs, travelers are choosing options Most common in inter-European transport, such as low-cost transport. -Airplane and railway tickets at original price. Chinese tourists showed the most significant increase in their intention to travel to Europe between September and December 2023. The increase in the number of Chinese travelers is part of a broader trend tracked by the Long Distance Travel Barometer. It monitors the travel intentions of long-haul travelers in six major markets, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Japan and the United States, with a particular focus on their preferences when visiting Europe . Despite current high travel costs and rising airfares, 74% of Chinese people surveyed plan to visit a destination in Europe between September and December 2023, showing an increase of 10% year-over-year and 9% year-over-year. -Pandemic 2019. In countries such as Australia and Brazil, the desire to travel to Europe decreased slightly compared to the previous year. In Australia, the decline is at 3%, perhaps because people are increasingly interested in exploring alternative destinations, especially as the Southern Hemisphere summer makes local travel more attractive . Similarly, in Brazil, the rate decreased by 3%, but the desire to travel continued, with more than half of those surveyed, or 52%, expressing a desire to travel to Europe. Despite the impact of rising inflation, travel demand remained moderate in other countries, such as the United States (US) up 3% and Canada up 2%. Japanese respondents showed a significant 12% increase in their desire to travel to Europe compared to the same period in 2022. However, Japan stood out as the most reserved country among all the markets surveyed. survey, with only 25% of respondents expressing an intention to travel. visit Europe in the coming months, according to LHTB 3/2023 announced on October 12 by the European Travel Commission (ETC) and Eurail BV. ETC President Miguel Sanz said after the announcement of LHTB 3/2023 that Europe has begun to re-establish connections with Asian tourists after the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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