Two mistakes everyone makes with their boarding pass

December 30, 2023
Your boarding pass means an exciting trip abroad, whether it's a vacation or a flight to visit friends and family. However, when it comes to passports, passengers often make two mistakes that can cost them money and put them at risk. The first thing many people do is take a photo of their boarding pass and post it online right before their flight. But even if it doesn't include your personal address or number, the information on your passport reveals more about you than you might think. The passcode includes the flight number and name. With these two details you can view your flight booking and access all your other personal data. Caleb Barlow, president and CEO of cybersecurity consulting firm CynergisTek previously said: "All you need is your name, your booking reference number and your frequent flyer number. "All three of those things are on the boarding pass”. "There could be a couple of basic password reset questions – but I might be able to get the answers to those just by looking on the web. And now that I’ve got your frequent flyer account.” And the barcode at the end could bring up some other details as well, according to NordVPN cybersecurity expert Adrianus Warmenhoven. He previously said: "Even if only the barcode of your flight ticket is visible in the picture, hackers can scan it and find out such information as a traveller's full name, reservation number, passenger name record, and sometimes even contact information. "This data can later be used by the hacker to ruin a traveller's vacation by cancelling their return flights, stealing money from their payment cards, or even stealing their identity.” And the second mistake comes after you arrive on holiday - which is throwing away your boarding pass. That's because some airlines and hotels offer discounts and perks for showing your boarding pass. For example, British Airways passengers can get discounts on brands such as DAKS and Hacketts as well as discounts or complimentary cocktails on hotel afternoon teas such as Ham Yard Hotel and St Hames Hotel. And Emirates boarding passes get you discounts at restaurants, spas and shopping centres in Dubai, a well as some attractions. This includes 30 per cent off tickets at the Wild Wadi Waterpark and Motiongate Dubai, while discounts at certain restaurants range from 10 per cent to 25 per cent Singapore Airlines boarding passes get discounts on restaurants, attractions and tours.

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