Let us all join fight against corruption within the banking sectors!

February 09, 2024
The current leadership of the NRBC Bank PLC uses company employees to write against the ex-chairman and sponsors of the company by accusing of past wrong activities occur that was resolved long time ago. Now the current management kept silent! In the past all wrong activities carried out that was creation of the NRBC Bank's MD and some so-called employees and instead of looking after interest of the Bank by safeguarding the interest of the bank shareholders and customers but they instead encouraged and motivated board members to do wrong activities against the company law and central bank policy and procedure that was resolved by removing the founder MD of the Bank. Only the MD of bank's appoint by the Bangladesh Bank not by the company or boards members like rest of the employees of the any banks. Now current chairman and others including some so-called employees instead of looking into stopping illegal activities and corruption within the NRBC Bank PLC which some are trying to covering up illegal activities and corruption. I have written to current MD, Bangladesh Bank, ACC and all company members and such letters where lek to print media and online media which was exposed by media. Where current Chairman and management where concerned about suck kind of publicity and if there was proof of evidence of such articles published which they could of taken legal actions against all printed and online media. However, instead of taking appreciated actions against such publication but instead current so-called corrupted management and leadership started damaging good reputation of the NRBC Bank sponsors by depending all their illegal and corrupt activities and actions. Some so-called within the bank activities and allowing corruption going destroy the bank very soon. I and other members of the company wrote to the MD, Bangladesh Bank, Security Exchange, ACC and rest of the company members by informing all ill-motive activities and actions currying out by current management and leadership, however instead of addressing to resolve but they all start to damaging good reputation and good image of NRB people including the government as well which going to be creating more problem within banking sectors in future. NRBC Bank current activities going to damage reputation and good images of NRB people and also going to damage the government reputation and economy as well. I am asking all employees of the NRBC Bank to wake up and look into interest of the NRBC Bank instead of so-called individual who has been involved with illegal activities and corruption practice or the NRBC Bank and banking sectors going to suffer in the long run. In the past the NRBC Bank and Bangladesh Bank took appropriate measure taking action against those who were involved directly or indirectly with illegal activities and now is the time those who are involved with the illegal activities and corruption within the bank must be punished for their wrong doing and set up an example within the NRBC Bank there is no room for wrong and ill-motive sponsors or employees within our bank or corrupt partice by following footsteps of Prime Minister who's strong position against corruption, let us all both sponsors and employees joining shoulders to shoulders by depending against all wrong doers and corrupted within the banking sectors by start to hands to hand working together to recover our bank from the damage made by all those small number of so-called NRB people, where as the NRB people created good image and reputation all over the world and we can't allow so-called culprits to winning and destroying good image and reputation NRB people!

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