Time to face reality and facts instead of playing race card

June 27, 2024
Time to face reality and facts instead of playing race card
  • It is the time to come out of the hypothesis and deal with the fake care visa issues by getting all scum culprits to get proper punishment.

Only unintentional remake by the labour party leader by mention one country name didn't made a big deal which thousands of Sylheti/Bangladeshi fake Care workers visa and students visa agents made millions from them where buying house in Dubai other different countries with innocent people money.

Lots of people came to fake care visa they are suffering financially in the UK and family used their life time saving selling land and property sending their love one to the UK and all of those innocent people suffering in hands of so-called culprits. A few months ago, in news articles in online and local newspapers, a London Mosque Secretary and a number of other management committee members issued 17 fake care visas using the mosque by charging £25–30,000, but after coming to the UK, there was no job, and many of the 17 people were compliant against the mosque, but the secretary of the mosque and other management committee members went hiding.

The Labour Party leader on the issues of boats and others made remarks by using only one Bangladesh name but many of so-called politicians and community leaders used the race card but thousands of Sylheti/ Bangladeshi who came to the UK in false promise paying so much money in hand of evils force but none of those so-called politicians or community leaders saying anything about those was responsible for such where Bengali community and Bangladesh given bad names. So, now after the Labour Party leader remake such evil force got opportunity and using those so-called politicians and community leaders make the Labour Party leader remarks as a big issues, so all those who made millions in the name of fake care visas to get away with? 

My question to those so-called politicians and community leaders they ever think about thousands of innocent people lost their and their family lifetime saving in hand of so-called opportunists made millions and enjoying luxury and lavish lifestyle. 

My request to all those politicians instead of playing the race card comes to reality and asking the Home Office to find all those culprits who made millions doing their monkey business to get punished by the law of the land!

Now is the time to start a one-stop shop to locket all those suffering innocent people and recording their statement of the situation to making humanitarian case to find a way to recover or reimpose some of the funds of suffering people lifetime saving and so they don't face situation of going through suicidal events.

It is the time to come out of the hypothesis and deal with the fake care visa issues by getting all scum culprits to get proper punishment.