First timers in history are two Bengali ministers in the UK Rushanara and Tulip!

July 10, 2024
First timers in history are two Bengali ministers in the UK Rushanara and Tulip!
  • Rushnara Ali MP and Tulip Siddique MP were appointed as cabinet ministers under the Secretary of State.

On Thursday 4 July 2024 UK general election four Labour Party seating MP re-elected that includes Rupa Haque MP, Apsana Begum MP, Tulip Siddique MP and Rushnara Ali MP. 

Rushnara Ali MP and Tulip Siddique MP were appointed as cabinet ministers under the Secretary of State. 

Rushnara Ali MP who served as a Shadow Minister, Investment and small business, under leadership of Sir Keir Starmer labour party shadow cabinet, also she served as a Shadow Minister on, Education, also  shadow minister for, International Development. Where Tulip Siddique MP started her political career as local government Councillor, also served as the Shadow Economic Secretary to Treasury, City Minister, and Shadow Minister, for Children and Early Years Minister.

Rushnara Ali MP who has been promoted from her shadow cabinet position by getting three most important responsibilities as far as for the he Housing, Communities and Local Government where as Tulip Siddique MP remain to her shadow cabinet position as Treasury & City Minister to oversee the London finances! First in history Rushnara Ali became Bengali first MP and now the first time in history two pride of Bengali community and Bangladesh became labour government ministers! We all  must be proud of both becoming a cabinet minister under secretary to serve the labour government and the nation! 

Good to see two of our favorite British Bangladeshi MPs appointed as Ministers in the Labor government and we are all proud of Rushnara and Tulip, our grandparents and fathers came to the UK same time as Pakistani and Indian community but the Pakistani got full cabinet minister long before Bengali and Indian didn't only get some full cabinet minister but they achieved to getting first Asian (Indian) prime minister in the UK. What was the Bengali problem, obstacles and why took so long? We have seen from the recent general election campaign where some of the the so-called Bengali failed  politicians and  community leaders whose was always obstacle for any community development and achievement in past and time to time tried to damage our community improvements dispit quality leadership did exist during 70's 80's and 90's which unlike nowadays where too many leaders but no activists within our community. Some so-called community leaders engage themselves involved in religious institutions (Mosques) into politics that is not going to help our community in the longer run and our children and grandchildren are going to be facing obstacles as far as jobs Market, business, politics and socially within the mainstream society! Our community must remember that despite our own agenda and believe there is a wider concept of our community interest that must be giving priority like we did during the 70's 80's and 90's.

As far as  Bangladesh politics is concerned there are lots of advantages for our mainstream political party but time to time became problematic for issues of the UK and our community that it needs to be remembered always. We as Bengali/Bangladeshi our priority not only Bangladesh but to ensure that our needs and community needs, safety must be our priority where community living in the UK got remain in the UK. So, instead of looking into issues outside our life we must think about consequences and affect going to be within our community in the UK. Some so-called politicians and community leaders made Palestine issues as our community issues in the UK but always must look into maintaining the mainstream politics that is way forward and going to improve our community and community in a strong position within the British politics and mainstream society or our community going to lose out like before where our counter part Pakistani and Indian community are far more advanced than we Bengali community. The general election on fourth July 2024 given all of us knowledge and experience that the Palestine issues and pity uncessry issues not only divided Bengali community but also damaged and destroyed many young bright and potential within our community which they are going to suffer as far as jobs market, business and mainstream politics of the UK and only some of so-called Bengali politicians and community leaders who are responsible for such damage to our community. The Bengali community must think collectively that there are four of Bengali MPS who are role models for our children, grandchildren and our community. So it is our duty and responsibility keeping our roles models in a safe environment by providing moral and indirect support from time to time.

Also, four MPs and the rest of the other politicians had to go through all odds against within the mainstream society where racism is big factor plus all other obstacles in politics and by keeping their position achieved not that easy and comfortable where all Bengali MPs do have a more duty and responsibility than any other none Bengali MPS to remain within the set up and the system. Two Bengali MPs have a ministerial position and our support always needs them carrying out their duties and responsibilities to keep themselves in the UK mainstream politics!

However, Rushnara Ali MP, who has been promoted from her shadow cabinet position to three most important responsibility that is including the Housing, Communities and Local Government and Tulip Siddique MP, Treasury & City Minister, to oversee the London finances they both are Bengali's pride and our community achievement so far.