According to The Guardian, a Telegram network with ties to Russia is inciting and "offering to pay" British citizens to attack mosques. In exchange for cryptocurrencies, the network is purportedly requesting that residents of the United Kingdom (UK) carry out violent attacks on mosques and Muslims.
Islamophobic graffiti that was sprayed on mosques and schools in east and south London earlier this month has already been connected to the purported channels, according to a British newspaper.
Additionally, it was stated that the organisations were sharing PDFs with blueprints for 3D-printed weaponry and formulas for building bombs. On the streets of London, a number of posters featuring the groups' QR codes and social media accounts were also visible.
However, a revision in the case's wording brought it into the public eye. They used to only support graffiti, but now they have openly called for people to assault Muslims with knives.
The campaign organisation "Hope Not Hate" has expressed concerns to the Home Office and counter-terrorism police that the network with Russian connections poses a far bigger threat than the calls for violence that are frequently found on other extreme-right Telegram chats.
Other groups that keep an eye on hate crimes against Muslims and Jews, respectively, like Tell Mama and Community Security Trust (CST), have also voiced their concerns.
Russian intelligence has been working to create "sustained mayhem on British and European streets," according to a warning issued in October by Ken McCallum, the chief of MI5, the UK's domestic counterintelligence and security agency.