Muslim women can enjoy fake nails since nail technicians construct nail rings

June 03, 2023
  • Israeli military claims to kill 10 fighters in central Gaza

  • Israeli military claims to kill 10 fighters in central Gaza

Muslim girls can now have their ideal nails without skipping a prayer thanks to rings that a nail expert has devised. When Karen Boyle of Harwood's Gel A Licious realized her Muslim clients couldn't pray while wearing nails, she came up with the nail rings. Muslims must do the "wudu" ritual of washing before performing the prescribed prayers. However, applying nail polish or any other sort of false nail renders the "wudu" invalid, which is why many Muslim ladies often choose not to wear them at all. "I thought nail technicians are all about enabling the community to share the joy of wearing nails," Karen said. "When it came to my attention that some people had to remove nail polish and false nails in order to pray. "Having false nails often makes a girl feel pretty, and I think if there is a way we can help a community to achieve this, then we should do it." The nail ring is a novel idea that has been popularized by a TikTok video showing its creation and marketing to the South Asian population. Before Karen decided to take up the mantle and become one of just two persons in the UK selling them, however, very few people really sold the nail rings around the world. I Googled it and watched some tutorials on how some individuals produced them, she claimed. "I spent a lot of time experimenting to find the ideal wires and lengths to make the jewelry pleasant to wear, and I then tried them out on a variety of people to see how they felt on the fingers. "I adore nails and wish that everyone could sport them. Although some people may not yet comprehend the concept since they are unfamiliar with the culture, overall, girls have embraced the idea. The nail rings come in a set of ten, and Karen also sells her own custom nail art in various sizes in addition to the rings and adhesive required to attach them. The concept is especially ideal for people who participate in sports or work in professions where wearing fake nails or nail polish is prohibited.

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