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How far is Barisal's Mozammel in the Mayoral race of London

July 09, 2023
[caption id="attachment_707" align="alignleft" width="284"]Mozammel Hossain QC Mozammel Hossain QC[/caption] London is said to be the largest international city in the world with a population of nine million. Mozammel Hossain QC, who was born and raised in Barisal, has entered the field with the challenge of creating a new history in the elections held on May 2, 2024 in the city of London, which consists of 32 baras or city councils. Daniel Korski, who is the most talked-about candidate for the nomination of Britain's ruling Conservative Party in the London Mayoral election, has withdrawn from the race. Between the remaining two candidates, Susan Hall and Mozammel, Mozammel has been ahead so far. Mozammel has already secured the support of many of the party's top policymakers, including Nick Candy, one of the Conservative Party's patrons. Based on the votes of party members until July 18 of this month, the Conservative Party will announce one of Susan and Mozammel as the final candidate on July 19. Mozammel Hossain will have to fight with Sadiq Khan, the current mayor of London, who is of Pakistani origin, if he gets the Conservative nomination. In the city of multi-ethnic immigrant people, many analyzes are going on in Britain's politics about the strategy of attracting votes by making another immigrant, Mozammel, a mayoral candidate to against the current mayor Sadiq Khan from running for mayor in London. London has the largest number of immigrant voters in Britain. There are about 3 lakh Bangladeshi voters in London. Like other immigrant communities, the Bangladeshi community has several times more supporters of the Labor Party than the Conservatives. If Mozammel gets the nomination, he will be the first Bangladeshi to be nominated by a major political party for the post of Mayor of London. The support of Bangladeshi voters, who are known as Sadiq Khan's safe vote bank, will naturally be heavy for Mozammel outside the party circle. On the one hand, Sadiq Khan's vote will decrease, on the other hand, it will be added to Mozammel's. London is home to more than seven lakh Indians. Indian-origin British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has cross-party support among London's Indian-origin population. Analysts are looking at the possibility that the votes of the Indian community will also go in favor of Mozammel as Rishi Sunak's party candidate. According to the Guardian report, Mozammel supporters believe that there is support for Mozammel Hossein at various levels within the Conservative Party, including the Prime Minister's Office. As the main opponent of the two-time London Mayor Sadiq Khan, who was elected from the Pakistani-born Labor Party, Mozammel Hossain, born and raised in Bangladesh, will have to wait until July 19 to find out whether he will finally get the party's ticket or not. This renowned criminal barrister is the first QC of Britain born in Bangladesh. The QC is the highest honor of professional competence in the legal profession in Britain. Born in Barisal, Mozammel Hossain came to Britain in 1995 at the age of 21. Studied law at Liverpool University. Admitted to the Bar and Law Degree in 2001, this professional lawyer was appointed Queen's Consul of Britain in 2019. The London-based lawyer has candidly spoken to the media in an interview about his childhood memories of struggling with poor family life and economic poverty. The self-confessed politician said that he did not own a pair of shoes until the age of 16. His rhetoric is attracting immigrant voters. Mozammel Hossain said, everything that I have, this city of London has given me. If elected Mayor of London wants to build London as a safe and people-friendly city for its residents. Dr. Anwara Ali, the leader of the Conservative Party of London, who was born in Bangladesh and is a former Member of Parliament candidate of the Conservative Party, said that Mozammel Hossain is a potential, promising and exemplary politician who has risen on his own merits. I am working for him. Mozammel's growing up and struggling life is sure to inspire the young generation of London. Bangladeshis should support him independently as a party.

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