Some care home authorities and their brokers have been accused of systematically defrauding thousands of Bangladeshis by bringing them to Britain on care visas. The brokers are resorting to various tricks to save themselves after illegally taking twenty to twenty-five thousand pounds from each worker. The Home Office is canceling workers' visas with false information which supply the frauds. And because of that, thousands of newly arrived Bangladeshis are in danger of losing everything. They have no other option except return to the country with empty pocket. Bangladeshi brokers rake in millions of pounds by contacting care homes and staff as middlemen.
KM Abu Taher Chowdhury, senior leader of the community, said that at this moment we are trying to help at least 25 victims who came on care visa. Our women are being raped after coming on care visa. A Bangladeshi youth was sent to the hospital after being hit by his employer's car. A relative of mine spent 24,000 pounds and has not had a single day of work in nine months. On the other hand, after the care home offered him a job, he did not go to work, giving this false information to the Home Office they canceling his visa. He further said that, 90 percent of the Bangladeshis who have come on care visa have been cheated. And the originator of this fraud is the Bangladeshi intermediary brokers. Bangladeshi brokers become millionaires overnight and are buying houses in Dubai and buying luxury cars. And thousands of Bangladeshis have become destitute victims of their deception.
It is known that the employers organize a training week after the workers come to the country on work visas. At the beginning of this induction week, the employer takes undertaken from the employee that, the employer has not taken any money from the employee concerned. So that the worker cannot go to the court, this strategy is taken by the ruthless employers to block the legal way. After five days the assessment is done with skill training in English language. Despite having IELTS, after that assessment the worker is told that the worker does not have the enough language skills required for the job.

Several victims including Suhel Ahmad, Mubed Chowdhury, Selina Akhtar Koli told to daily dazzling dawn that, care homes are now walking the path of fraud to protect themselves after government canceling the license to bring foreign workers of more than hundreds of care homes. A care home that needs 10 staff only hires 40 staff for the greed of big money. Now they are not able to give work to additional workers. On the other hand, the workers who are unemployed for several months are also pressuring the brokers to provide job. In such circumstances many employers report to the home office that the relevant worker has not contacted the company and started work after arriving in the UK. Because of that false information the home office is canceling the cos directly without giving any time off to the worker. The worker's can't get the chance of 60 day notice due to the false information provided by the care homes. Then there is no chance of change of employer,visa route or any kind of appeal. Then the worker has no option except forced to return to back home in empty hand. In this type of cases banning the worker's from all kind of visa applications in Britain for the next ten years.
Since the government announced to close the way to bring dependents on care visa from April 11, fraudsters are walking on a new path of fraud.
Fraud is taking place in the name of Tier Five Minister of Religion, imams, muezzins and madrasa teachers. In the meantime, a case of fraud with at least ten Bangladeshis was exposed without the knowledge of the mosque committee in the name of mosques in an area of London where there are Bangladeshis.
Legal advice:
Talking to Daily Dazzling Dawn in this matter, Barrister Shuvagata Dey, Managing Partner of Lexpert Solicitors LLP in London, said that after coming to this country, keep the proof of contact with the employer, if the employer does DBS, keep a copy of it, if any training handbook or PDF is given and keep those copies. Directly with primary employer before arrival He advised to come in contact.