Care visa, Questions to face at the UK airport

August 25, 2023
Care visa, Questions to face at UK the airportAfter coming to the United Kingdom on a CARE visa, many are facing airport interviews under the Home Office's introduced genuineness test. After coming into effect on August 7, due to the powers given to the Immigration Officer in the Immigration Act of Britain, they were sent back to their respective countries on the next available flight after seeing the reasons for inconsistency in the interviews taken after arriving at the airport with their documents. There are many Bangladeshis among them. Two well-known barristers of the Bangladeshi community in Britain, Barrister Md Iqbal Hossain of Chancery Solicitors and Barrister Shubagata Day of Lexpert Solicitors spoke about the questions that newcomers may face at the airport interview for CARE Visa. Contact is made with the following. They told the on Friday that the new ones who will come on Caregiver visa, those who have already got visa or will apply they should be careful about a few things. Thousand people who came on care visa are unemployed. So they suggest to ensure the job guarantee from the employer. Lawyers have advised those who have applied or are going to apply or have received a visa using inconsistency of experience due to lack of previous experience to be careful. Caregiver Visa and Caregiver Jobs from YouTube and Google to know better about Caregiver Visa before coming. The name and details of the company from which the job is brought should be known with whom the interview has been conducted and the applicant's job details. After Landing at UK Airport Interviews will cover Basic Life Support, Person Centered Support, Positive Behaviour, Food Hygiene, Safeguarding Awareness, Safe Moving & Handling, Data Protection & GDPR, Coshh, Manual Handling, MCA & DOLS, etc. Infection Control, Health and Fire Safety, Immigration officers may ask about fluid and nutrition awareness, personal privacy in the workplace, equality and mutual respect. All these subjects are included in the syllabus of care course. If you know the answers to all these questions, there is no chance to return from the airport. Thousands of new immigrants who came to the United Kingdom on the said care visa are spending endless miserable days without work. They are spending inhuman days without getting work for months after months. Many people with their families seek shelter for the night in shops and mosques. In this situation, the Home Office has canceled the license of several care homes.